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Post additional line item for payment run FPY1 and cheque postings FP25

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Friends,

I have a requirement of posting incentive after payment run and cheque posting for particular customers.

This amount is to be calculated based on the component of the bill and mandate amount.

Please can anyone suggest what is the best way to get this output.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Use FQEVENTS - in event 32, you can post additional line items in DFKKOP and DFKKOPK table.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Charvi,

Posting an incentive after the payment run or cheque posting is possible by enhancing events, but it depends on your requirement.

Option 1- If you want to post the incentive with a separate document no., then event 0032 will not be helpful, as because it creates only addtional line items for the payment doc no. and not a new document no. So, you need to use event 0020 and event 0031 to post the incentive as a seperate document no.

Option-2-If you want to post the incentive as an addtional line item of the existing payment document no, then you can use event 0032 for the purpose.

The main difference b/w option1 and option 2 is if for some reason the payment is reversed in the near future, then-

(a) The Incentive document would not get reversed, if you use Option-1.

(b) The incentive document would get reversed, if you use Option-2, as because they share the same document no.

Hope it helps.

