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How to upload a document as an SAP article?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi SCN Support teams,

I have made one document on SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3. And like to publish this document on SAP Community Network Portal as an article to help on SAP Netweaver portal 7.3 area.

On this I have already tried to write a document in Create Document area in SAP SCN side. But the document Editor feature is not supporting proper format and not able to upload all the images in the document which need to be published.

Even after making the document as an final draft, the PDF view of this document is not in readable format.

So, I would like to know how to upload the document directly rather creating it again in SAP SCN Document editor.As direct upload will prevent document not getting spoiled and it will be in proper format displaying all the image, due to which the Help article will be beneficial to others.

Thanks in advance.



Accepted Solutions (1)

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Hanif,

Documents cannot be attached/uploaded and need to be authored using the rich text editor.

Have a look at this thread:

You can copy and paste the content, then remove formatting.  It's best to keep the document simple instead of forcing custom font styles and sizes.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

Thanks for sharing the information.

Already I have made the document in SAP portal 7.3 area in Create Document catogory.

Last week i have made this document.

Can you please review this document and let me know is it ok to publish in SCN



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

I want to add a document to one of the forums on SCN. I understand that we cannot upload the word document directly.

I performed copy/ paste and remove formatting operation to get the data on SCN page. I also understand that for adding the images we have to insert images between the text.

But my question is that, is there a limitation to the number of images you can insert for one document? After inserting around 25 images, the insert image symbol got greyed out. I still have a lot of screenshot images that still need to be inserted to complete my document.

Please guide me for the same as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Pallav,

The maximum number of images possible is 20 with a total file size 1 MB.

Regards, Midhun

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Looks good.  Maybe you can add a linked table of contents to it: it's really easy!

Have a look here:

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

I would like to create a document for Solution Manager patching. Every time I paste my document from MS word file, all graphics / screenshots  disappear. Please advice how to include screenshot along with the text. Also let me know how I can upload a PDF file.


Dipam Phukan

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi - The copy/paste works for the text so you'll have to uploads the images one by one using the insert image button on the toolbar.

You cannot upload a PDF.  In fact, authoring your content online makes it more visible and easier to find. Once published, users can convert it to a PDF using the browser or make PDF utility in the actions box.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jason.

Thanks for your prompt reply. I have one more question regarding changing e-mail id for my SCN user id. I have communicated to SCN support ( using this e-mail id : ), however I did not get any positive response. Basically I would like associate my SCN id to my new employer e-mail id. In my profile still it showing my previous emplorer e-mail id.


Dipam Phukan

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I've notified a colleague from support to look into this for you.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Try changing your eMail address from your profile:

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

I have already changed my e-mai address through this option. However my problem is not related to this e-mail setup. When I select my name with mouse pointer - it displays my name and e-mail id too and this e-mail id is from my previous employer. I belive there are some relatioship between my SCN id and existing e-mail id.


Dipam Phukan

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

I'll ask support to look into this but you might want to reach out to the directly again:

0 Kudos

Hi Dipam,

First, I would like to update you that since last week we have a brand new user management system.

So you might want to try again to change your email address.

Once you've changed your email address, make sure to log-out and then log-in with the new email address.

is wipro the current email address or the old one?

You are more than welcome to send me a personal message or email with the exact details (old email address vs. new email address, the steps you did and the results)



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi David,

I have changed the e-mail id and logout and logon again, still I have same issue.

Under "Bio" section of profile - there is an e-mail id and it always gred out and it did not allow me to change. Also If I point the mouse pointer to my name still it showing my old employer e-mail id : I would like to change it to my private e-mail id or to my current employer id, which ever is possible.

Please advice.


Dipam Phukan

Former Member
0 Kudos

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