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How to copy&paste table rows in Streamwork activites

0 Kudos

Dear all,

in the streamwork object "table" the standard copy&paste function of rows is needed for quick processing. So far I didn't found any solution or workaround to perform this action. Instead copy&paste of the single cells is done, which time resourcing, leading to the fact that some people work with MS Excel and up-/downlaod the files to the Streamwork activity to master this situation.

Can you tell me how a normal table row can be copied and paste in a table ?

Thanks, Dietmar

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Hello Dietmar,

I can inform you that this function currently isn't available in SAP StreamWork.

As you stated you have to copy & paste individual cells.

A workaround would be to export the table, make all the copy & pasting that you need and then import it.

If you are going to be doing a lot of copy & pasting in SAP StreamWork you might consider duplicating the table before editing. You can use this as a ‘master copy’ and revert to it if someone accidently deletes cell data or pastes multiple cells into the table, which over writes multiple fields in StreamWork.

If you wish you can use the ‘Feedback’ button on the left-hand-bottom side of StreamWork which will open upthe ‘Feedback
and Ideas for SAP Streamwork’
window to submit that this action be included
in the product. Also search for the suggestion to see if it already exists.
The growth of the
product is customer driven according to the number of votes an idea receives.

I hope this is helpful.



Patrick Dinneen
Support Engineer

SAP Cloud Support