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SAP HCM Certification

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Guys,

I would like to take up the SAP HCM Certification this year 2012. I am planing to do direct certification, hence  I need to collect the materials and prepare on my own. Could anyone guide me on :

1:  What is the latest syallabus and how should i get the materials for  THR10 -I and II , THR 12. ( I have older syllabus 2006 )

2: I saw few alternative documents recommended as HR 505, HR 580 ( I have the older syllabus of these , what is the latest syllabus for these alternative documents and where can I get these )

3: THR10 -I and II , THR 12- (  If i refere only these 3 books , Is this going to be sufficient, incase i do not get the alternative documents  because i am finding it difficult to collect these docs.. )

4: How far these older syllabus books will help me  incase i fail to get the latest ones..

Please guide me on these as I am a bit confused as everyone suggesting to collect the latest syllabus and I have no clue on how to collect the same

Apart from these three books any other books that we need to refer.



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Former Member
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Can you tell me the number of units in each book  THR 10_1, THR10_2, THR 12_1, THR12_2.



Active Contributor
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Hi Priyanka,

These books are copyrighted materials and not for free distributions. Unfortunately, most of these materials are available on the internet. Please do not ask me the link for these materials

Alternative materials are useful when you do not find the T series materials. However, I do not see much difference between them. As long as your fundamentals are clear, you should be able to clear the examination.

Please go through each syllabus book at least five times before going to exam. There is no need to refer any other books. These books are sufficient. If you find extra time, you can refer

The following thread would be useful in preparing for the Certification.

All the best.

