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SAP HR- Time Management

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A employee joins an organization, he his entitlement for leave but his leave must start from once his probation period get complete in an organization.

Pls let me know how will do it in SAP HR

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi srinivas,

Maintain Infotype 16( contract elements) there you mention the contract type as probation and probation period as 3 or 6 based on the company rules.Based on this the system checks whether the employee is eligible for taking leave.Once the probation is completed the system  considers the leave.

And also check the applicability tab where u can see when this quota is applicable to employees it take the information from IT19 monitoring of task.

In table T559L Give Date Entry as Probation Period Complete date.

Try this it may work out.

Former Member
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Hi Ravikar,

Please move this discussion to the SAP HCM space.

Thank you,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Srinivas,

This space is dedicated to SAP Certification related topics, please post your SAP HCM related questions to this space

Thank you,
