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Why safaribooksf? It doesn't stock SAP books.

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Why does SDN promote the safari bookstore?

I searched for SAP-PRESS in it (the official SAP publisher) and didn't find anything.


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Safari is an online technical library consisting of books from a number of publishers including O'Reilly, Pearson (which includes Prentice-Hall, Addison-Wesley and a number of other imprints) and Microsoft Press. It is a general reference library, not designed specifically for SAP developers. However, Pearson does have a number of SAP-specific titles. In addition, there are books on key technologies such as Java, .NET/C# and XML that impact SAP developers.

We are currently evaluating the inclusion of books about SAP software from other publishers such as SAP-Press. Safari is not a bookstore, but a subscription service that provides the content online. For a book to appear in Safari, a publisher must convert the book to an electronic XML format, and have a business relationship with Safari.

I hope this addresses your question. Please feel free to suggest specific titles that you'd like to see available in Safari.