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MII fails to load Workbench or Menu from client pc.

Former Member
0 Kudos

when trying to open the MII workbench or Administration menu we receive the following errors.

404 Not Found.

The requested resource /XMII/Workbench.jsp is not available.

Details: File [Workbench.jsp] not found in application root of alias [XMII] of J2EE application [].

404 Not Found.

The requested resource /XMII/Menu.jsp is not available.

Details: File [Menu.jsp] not found in application root of alias [XMII] of J2EE application [].

we are running MII version 12.0.11 Build(14) on a windows server platform.

we have had this problem several times in the last couple of years on MII servers that were operational.

to resolve the issue our support team is copying the missing files from another MII environment to the failing server.

Is this the correct process to resolve the problem?

any idea why these files would go missing in the first place?

Thank you for any response to my question.


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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Bob,

In my view, the proper way of restoring the files would be a re-deployment.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Bob,

Please check firewall settings on the client PC.


Manish Jain

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks for replying Manish Jain.

The end of my subject line is misleading "from client pc", I am sorry for that.

I do not have access to login and test from server.

The error messages in the web browser are coming from the MII web server indicating the web server cannot find the jsp files.

another peice of information that might be helpful I received in an email from the server administrator he indicated the following.


Each time the issue appears in the following folder



so somehow the files are being removed from that file location on the server.

I am puzzled as why they are deleted and what is the proper method of restoring them.
