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Post clarification items in batch

0 Kudos

Hello experts,

I want to try to post items from the clarifiaction list (fpcpl) in batch mode without interference from user.

I know you can repost a complete payment lot in batch with program RFKKZE02.

But is it also possible to repost only certain items from that lot and not the complete lot?

Reason is that we've included a custom field in the payment lot to split up clarification list.

Now we only want to reprocess items from a certain clarification list.

Thanks in advance,

Noël Vanderhoven


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


I'm not sure if this would be helpful for your scenario, but there is a standard program to work clarified payments in batch:

After your Payment Lot transfer (FPB3) , you can use program RFKKUMBKL read the documentation for this program). Here you can transfer clarified items to a dedicated (pre-configured) G/L Account.

It would be advisable to run it in background mode.

You will have to configure a transfer posting GL Account to be used .

The config for the Short Account Assignment for transfer postings is in the Contract Account Receivable and Payable path as follows:

Business Transactions-> Processing Incoming and Outgoing Payments-> Define Short Account Assignments for Transfer Postings

I hope this helps.


Ivor M