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SCPM global settings

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear all,

I have changed the 'import folder' and the 'reporting currency' (eur) in the menu Data management->global settings.

If I leave and come back again in the global settings, the reporting currency has been changed automatically to the default 'us dollar'.

I have the following alert: faultCode:DecodingError faultString:'Error #1090' faultDetail:'null'

Regarding the default file parameters, i have the message 'Default file settings successfully saved' but If I leave and come back again the parameters value are lost.

Any suggestion ?


Edited by: christophe bontron on Sep 8, 2011 3:01 PM

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Christophe,

It is not working because there is a connectivity problem between the front end client and the ABAP tables where these values are stored.

This is likely due to a configuration problem.

I think the same logic should apply as per SPM, the following thread details may give you starting point.


Kind regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos


Thank you for your answer. I have check every step of the blog and the settings are correct.

I have just a problem: in the SMICM under service/http, the port is 8003. This port has been enter in the WEB AS and ITS port in systemlandscape of system configuration. but If I run the BI diagnostic tools, I have one red indicator, for the BI Mastersystem and the following messsage:

Port '8003' of WAS Hostname (<hostname>:8003) is not identical with HTTP Port '8103' of WebAS ABAP system. HTTP Port of Message Server (profile parameter ms/http_port) is retrieved from ABAP system. Port '8003' is properly HTTP Port of Application Server.

It is recommended to use HTTP Port of Message Server. Check WAS Hostname of BI Mastersystem (Systemlandscape/SAP_BW)


Port '8003' of ITS Hostname (<hostname>:8003) is not identical with HTTP Port '8103' of WebAS ABAP system. HTTP Port of Message Server (profile parameter ms/http_port) is retrieved from ABAP system. Port '8003' is properly HTTP Port of Application Server.

It is recommended to use HTTP Port of Message Server. Check ITS Hostname of BI Mastersystem (Systemlandscape/SAP_BW).

So which port should I use: 8003 done by SMICM or 8103 done by the error message ?



Former Member
0 Kudos


I am very disappointed with the SCPM system. I have check the settings based on the installation manual and problem analysis guide and it seems ok.

But when I run SCPM, I have some problems:

- in the global settings/general, if I change the import folder and the reporting currency, I have the error: Error #1090, faultCode:DecodingError faultString:'Error #1090' faultDetail:'null'. But I can see in the table RSXAADMIN that the path of the import folder has been saved and not the reporting currency. If I close the session and reopen it, the system brings the correct import folder path but an incorrect reporting currency.

- in the global settings/File Defaults: nothing is saved despite the successfull message: Default file settings successfully saved.

As the import folder is saved I do not think that is a problem of connection.

please help........

Christophe Bontron

0 Kudos

Hi Christophe Bontron

This issue would need to be understood and debugged. I would appreciate if you can open a OSS message and open the system connection so that I can undertand the issue and help solve the problem.

We usually face this issue because of incorrect settings for WAS host and port. I would appreciate if we can have a meeting to solve this issue at the earliest.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Tarun,

Just to inform you that today I posted an OSS message.

Best regards


Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos


I got the following answer:

1. SCPM 1.0 SP09 should be installed in your landscape i.e., both ABAP and JAVA together.

2. Till you install SP09, You can save the Global settings but you cannot verify them in SCPM screen but in

RSXAADMIN table in the ABAP system.

SCPM 1.0 SP09 is delivered with Note 1615546 that will be available soon.

Best regards


Edited by: christophe bontron on Nov 17, 2011 8:43 PM

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Thank you Christophe,

How did you manage your issue regarding the way the sysytem is declared in the EP Portal.

I have the exact same dilemna.

If I use the ICM port (HTTP) it work but then I have an erro in the diagonostic tool who asks to define the HTTP port of the message server.

If I define the HTTP port of the message port, it doesn't work anymore.

Thank you

Former Member
0 Kudos


I use the ICM port.

Regrding the problem in the first post, it has been fixed with the SP09.

Best regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Tarun,

I posted an OSS message a few weeks ago and I have not yet any answer.

Best regards


Active Participant
0 Kudos


Did you recive an answer .. I have the same issue ...