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Physical Inventory with Serialized Material Masters

Former Member
0 Kudos

Our meter inventory is serialized under material masters for each meter type. We have separate plants for our gas vs. electric meters, and only one storage location per plant. In one case we have over 15,000 meters under one material master. When performing a physical inventory for material master A we have to enter over 15,000 serial numbers. Has anyone found a good way to enter the count results when you can only enter 18 serial numbers at a time then page down to enter the next set of 18 serial numbers and so on until 15,000 meter serial numbers are entered?

During testing, we also found that if the entered quantity is not a match to the number of validated serial numbers entered in the Maintain Serial Numbers screen, you need to cancel the session, and start over. Is there a way to correct the inventory quantity without loosing all of the serial numbers just entered?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ken,

Not sure which transaction code you are using. However, the place where you are updating serial number, take a F4; this will open a selection screen (Similar to IQ09 selection screen). On this serial number selection screen, press multiple selection button on serial number - where you will see pop-up for multiple selection for serial number. In this pop-up window, you have one button called "Import from text file". Use this button to upload 15,000 serial numbers and select them.

So, prerequisite is to create one flat file with 15,000 serial numbers.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos

I uploaded/copied the list of serial numbers in the selection screen, then execute the selection. When the list displays I select all and the green check (choose button), but I get an error to choose only one item to pull into the count screen.