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Validation checking in XI side( Proxy to file scnario)

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Our scnario is Proxy to file.

File is generatd in this way :





HDR is Header,then Detail then Earning History then trailer.

These values are handeled by database table.

Suppose, HDR(1st value of Header line. HDR identify the Header line) is not coming from ABAP side. At that time XI will reject the total file. How do i use this validation in XI side??



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Answers (2)

Active Contributor
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If your are using SAP PI 7.1 or superior you can use in your case XML validation because in a Proxy - SAP PI communication you are generating a PI-SOAP message.

You could follow this link:


Active Contributor
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You can include th validation in the Receiver if the value corresponding to HDR is not present in the PROXY then avoid processing the message.

Former Member
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How do i include validation in Receiver determination?

Please write the step by step process

Active Contributor
0 Kudos
Please write the step by step process

I would suggest that you [search for this in SDN|]....or even ....procedure would be clearly highlighted in the blogs.

Active Contributor
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simple solution,

In XI data type make header as mandatory meanse Minimum occurence is 1 instead of 0.

Then if after content conversion Header does not come in the xml file then it will automatically fail in mapping.

Former Member
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In Receiver determination for selecting the receiver business system, in the corresponding condition tab, provide the condition that the field in the proxy payload that maps to HDR has the required value.

Then, if no value comes in proxy, no receiver is selected in PI and the message fails.

Former Member
0 Kudos

It means,

In Receiver determination, In condition:

Select the left operand, suppose Recodr Type.

So then we can write the value Record_Type= HDR (Right Operand)

Then Ok.

Am i right????

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Former Member
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If we can write the value Record_Type= HDR (Right Operand)

then automatically if Value of record type of Header field is not come from abap side,then file will not generated??

Former Member
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Yes the file will not be generated as the message processing would fail in the Receiver determination Pipeline step and so, the message will not be passed on to the receiver Component/Channel for processing.

Regards, Gaurav

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If the value of Record_Type is coming from ABAP side,then it will successful and the file will be generated. Am i right???/

Former Member
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Yes You are correct.