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Device Replacement

Former Member
0 Kudos


Device replacement is done using EG30.

However, it can also be done by EG32 (Device Removal) and then EG31 (Device Installation).

In my current project, users are suggested to do EG32 and then EG31 and restricted the use of EG31. I am not sure why?

User is also asking us that they want to use EG30. However, as all the programs and objects are created w.r.t usage of EG32 and EG31. I am not sure what will be the impact if user starts using EG30.

Please Advise?



Former Member
0 Kudos


Device replacement is prescribed only when the replaced device is of same characteristic of the old one. But if the new one differs from the old one then you have to use EG32 (Device Removal) and then EG31 (Device Installation).

But in this case there is a risk of incorrect device replacement. For e.g. a customer has asked for meter X(Device Cat A) and while using EG30 the backend agent has incorrectly installed a meter of type Y(Device B) then there is no standard check to ensure that a non comaptible device cannot be installed. You have to establish our own customized logic to ensure this. The bottomline is while using EG30 there is always a chance of incorrect device installation.

Therefore it is always better to go for first EG32 (Device Removal) and then EG31 (Device Installation).



Edited by: born2bdahero on Aug 28, 2011 7:11 PM

0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply.

However, if we talk about the possibility of a backend agent assigning the incorrect device via EG30, same can happen while doing EG31 after EG32. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Is there any impact on the logical device number in SAP as well?

Edited by: Nidhi Kapoor on Aug 29, 2011 12:39 PM

0 Kudos


Please refer to the below link to view for which case it is recommended to go for Device Replacement.

Especially refer to the 'Purpose' section where it is clearly mentioned which attributes can be transferred to the new device.

But in case of Removal/Installation there is no such copying/transferred function involved and therefore if any backend agent tries to install a device the risk proportion is minimized.



Edited by: born2bdahero on Aug 29, 2011 4:40 PM

0 Kudos

When a device is replaced with the new device, the same logical register no will be used to map the new device and the installation, but if a device is removed and a new device is installed,a new logical register number will be assigned to map the the new device and installation.

This is known during a project, so the processes are designed accordingly. This affects the billing data especially while copying the demand data from one register to another.

0 Kudos


I have a problem when use EG32 (Device Removal) and then EG31 (Device Installation) having registers of demand:

MR Result rel-billing period:


Install. Log. reg. MR date Equipment Device Reg. RR MR UMR Short Descript.

G2074849 1001897703 24.05.2011 5000431771 46038330 2 01 5,200 KW Periodic Meter Reading

G2074849 1001897703 10.05.2011 5000431771 46038330 2 21 0,000 KW Meter reading at billing-rel. inst.

G2074849 1000447226 09.05.2011 5000422593 46038857 2 22 6,200 KW Meter reading at billing-rel. removal

G2074849 1000447226 25.04.2011 5000422593 46038857 2 01 8,300 KW Periodic Meter Reading

I hope with DEMAND14 get the greatest value (6,2) and not the sum of the two demands (6,2 + 5,2 = 11,4), the latter is what is currently happening.

Another forum user told me that the logical register number should be equal, but I can not do this with EG60, because show this error:

The register specified does not exist in this period

Message no. EN414


Register 001, device 46038330 does not exist over the entire processing period.

Please help.



0 Kudos


Some useful points for your query:

1. Mapping with the same logical register # is possible only when u use Device Replacement as mentioned by one of the expert in previous post.

2. Variant Prg Demand14 internally calls Demand10 which is nothing but adding Demand values. Therefore I would suggest you make your own Z variant for this requirement as there is no such standard variant prg for this.



0 Kudos


Thanks for the reply.

