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The SAPProxy1 is not define problems

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear All,

I try to explore the .NET Connector recently.

There is a need to build a legacy software that used BAPI

mining the data from SAP.

I follow the instruction to generate proxy in VS2003 and used it in VS2005.

But i stuck in some problem in proxy generation is VS2003.

This is the step and problems i had :

1. I create a new VB project in VS2003

2. I add an item SAPProxy1.sapwsdl

3. I check it in Object browser and found it

4. I test it in my coding with :

dim myProxy as SAPProxy1

5. It works fine

6. I drag n drop the BAPI Node to the design form of


7. Then I got message :

The SAPProxy1 is not define

8. I check the object browser and it's gone

9. Everytime I add the BAPI to design, or save, or compile

The SAPProxy1 class become unusable.

Please help me.

Any help would be very appreciated.

Best Regards,


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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

the problems is solved

add the API methode to designer not the bapi object


Former Member
0 Kudos

I think SAP Proxy coding should be there in C# laguage.

Try it.

Thanks & Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Govindaraju A

As I examine the SAPProxy1.vb code i found something strange

Here is the first newly added SAP Proxy

As we can see there is

Public Class SAPProxy1
    Inherits SAPClient

The full code :

' <autogenerated>
'     This code was generated by a SAP. NET Connector Proxy Generator Version 2.0
'     Created at 8/22/2006
'     Created from Windows
'     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 
'     the code is regenerated.
' </autogenerated>
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.Xml.Schema
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Description
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports SAP.Connector

  '@ <summary>
  '@ Client SAP proxy class
  '@ </summary>
<WebServiceBinding(Name:="dummy.Binding", Namespace:="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions")> _
Public Class SAPProxy1
    Inherits SAPClient

    '@ <summary>
    '@ Initializes a new SAPProxy1.
    '@ </summary>
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    '@ <summary>
    '@ Initializes a new SAPProxy1 with a new connection based on the specified connection string.
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="connectionString">A connection string (e.g. RFC or URL) specifying the system where the proxy should connect to.</param>
    Public Sub New(ByVal ConnectionString As String)
    End Sub

    '@ <summary>
    '@ Initializes a new SAPProxy1 and adds it to the given container.
    '@ This allows automated connection mananged by VS component designer:
    '@ If container is disposed, it will also dispose this SAPClient instance,
    '@ which will dispose a contained connection if needed.
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="Cont">The container where the new SAPClient instance is to be added.</param>
    Public Sub New(ByVal Cont As Container)
    End Sub
End Class

After I add some bapi to the designer

The code become

' <autogenerated>
'     This code was generated by a SAP. NET Connector Proxy Generator Version 2.0
'     Created at 8/22/2006
'     Created from Windows
'     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if 
'     the code is regenerated.
' </autogenerated>
Imports System
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.Xml.Schema
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Description
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
Imports SAP.Connector

  '@ <summary>
  '@ Client SAP proxy class
  '@ </summary>
  <WebServiceBinding(Name:="dummy.Binding", Namespace:="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions")> _
  Public Class ZBapiForBill 
    Inherits SAPClient

    '@ <summary>
    '@ Initializes a new ZBapiForBill.
    '@ </summary>
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub

    '@ <summary>
    '@ Initializes a new ZBapiForBill with a new connection based on the specified connection string.
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="connectionString">A connection string (e.g. RFC or URL) specifying the system where the proxy should connect to.</param>
    Public Sub New(ByVal ConnectionString As String) 
    End Sub
    '@ <summary>
    '@ Initializes a new ZBapiForBill and adds it to the given container.
    '@ This allows automated connection mananged by VS component designer:
    '@ If container is disposed, it will also dispose this SAPClient instance,
    '@ which will dispose a contained connection if needed.
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="Cont">The container where the new SAPClient instance is to be added.</param>
    Public Sub New(ByVal Cont As Container) 
    End Sub
    '@ <summary>
    '@ Remote Function Module Z_BAPI_GRDOC.  
    '@ BAPI Function - BillTrack - GR Document
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="Return0"></param>
    '@ <param name="Grdocno"></param>
    '@ <param name="Grdocyear"></param>
    '@ <param name="Grdocdata"></param>
    <RfcMethod(AbapName := "Z_BAPI_GRDOC"), _
    SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", _
     RequestNamespace := "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions", _
     RequestElementName := "Z_BAPI_GRDOC", _
     ResponseNamespace := "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions", _
     ResponseElementName := "Z_BAPI_GRDOC.Response")> _
    Public Overridable Sub ZBapiGrdoc ( _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "GRDOCNO", RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_CHAR, Optional := false, Direction := RFCINOUT.IN, Length := 10), _
     XmlElement("GRDOCNO", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByVal Grdocno As String, _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "GRDOCYEAR", RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_NUM, Optional := false, Direction := RFCINOUT.IN, Length := 4), _
     XmlElement("GRDOCYEAR", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByVal Grdocyear As String, _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "RETURN",RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_STRUCTURE, Optional := true, Direction := RFCINOUT.OUT), _
     XmlElement("RETURN", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByRef Return0 As BAPIRETURN, _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "GRDOCDATA",RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_ITAB, Optional := false, Direction := RFCINOUT.INOUT), _
     XmlArray("GRDOCDATA", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified), _
     XmlArrayItem("item", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByRef Grdocdata As ZBAPI_GRDOC_STRTable)
        Dim results As Object()
        results = SAPInvoke("ZBapiGrdoc", new Object() { _
                            Grdocno,Grdocyear,Grdocdata })
        Return0 = CType(results(0), BAPIRETURN) 
        Grdocdata = CType(results(1), ZBAPI_GRDOC_STRTable) 

    End Sub

    '@ <summary>
    '@ Overload of Remote Function Module Z_BAPI_GRDOC.  
    '@ BAPI Function - BillTrack - GR Document
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="Grdocno"></param>
    '@ <param name="Grdocyear"></param>
    '@ <param name="Grdocdata"></param>
    Public Overridable Sub ZBapiGrdoc ( ByVal Grdocno As String, ByVal Grdocyear As String, ByRef Grdocdata As ZBAPI_GRDOC_STRTable)
        Dim results As Object()
        results = SAPInvoke("ZBapiGrdoc",new Object() { _
                            Grdocno,Grdocyear,Grdocdata })
        BapiReturn = CType(results(0), BAPIRETURN) 
          Grdocdata = CType(results(1), ZBAPI_GRDOC_STRTable) 
    End Sub
    '@ <summary>
    '@ Remote Function Module Z_BAPI_MMPL_GET_INHOUSE_STOCK.  
    '@ Function Module BAPI to Get InHouse Stock in Pick List Program
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="Return0">Return Parameters</param>
    '@ <param name="Matnr">Import PN</param>
    '@ <param name="Sloc">Import Storage Location</param>
    '@ <param name="TInhousestock">Inhouse Stock Data</param>
    <RfcMethod(AbapName := "Z_BAPI_MMPL_GET_INHOUSE_STOCK"), _
    SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", _
     RequestNamespace := "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions", _
     RequestElementName := "Z_BAPI_MMPL_GET_INHOUSE_STOCK", _
     ResponseNamespace := "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions", _
     ResponseElementName := "Z_BAPI_MMPL_GET_INHOUSE_STOCK.Response")> _
    Public Overridable Sub ZBapiMmplGetInhouseStock ( _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "MATNR", RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_CHAR, Optional := false, Direction := RFCINOUT.IN, Length := 18), _
     XmlElement("MATNR", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByVal Matnr As String, _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "SLOC", RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_CHAR, Optional := true, Direction := RFCINOUT.IN, Length := 4), _
     XmlElement("SLOC", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByVal Sloc As String, _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "RETURN",RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_STRUCTURE, Optional := true, Direction := RFCINOUT.OUT), _
     XmlElement("RETURN", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByRef Return0 As BAPIRETURN, _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "T_INHOUSESTOCK",RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_ITAB, Optional := false, Direction := RFCINOUT.INOUT), _
     XmlArray("T_INHOUSESTOCK", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified), _
     XmlArrayItem("item", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByRef TInhousestock As ZBAPI_PL_INHOUSE_STOCK_STRTable)
        Dim results As Object()
        results = SAPInvoke("ZBapiMmplGetInhouseStock", new Object() { _
                            Matnr,Sloc,TInhousestock })
        Return0 = CType(results(0), BAPIRETURN) 
        TInhousestock = CType(results(1), ZBAPI_PL_INHOUSE_STOCK_STRTable) 

    End Sub

    '@ <summary>
    '@ Overload of Remote Function Module Z_BAPI_MMPL_GET_INHOUSE_STOCK.  
    '@ Function Module BAPI to Get InHouse Stock in Pick List Program
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="Matnr">Import PN</param>
    '@ <param name="Sloc">Import Storage Location</param>
    '@ <param name="TInhousestock">Inhouse Stock Data</param>
    Public Overridable Sub ZBapiMmplGetInhouseStock ( ByVal Matnr As String, ByVal Sloc As String, ByRef TInhousestock As ZBAPI_PL_INHOUSE_STOCK_STRTable)
        Dim results As Object()
        results = SAPInvoke("ZBapiMmplGetInhouseStock",new Object() { _
                            Matnr,Sloc,TInhousestock })
        BapiReturn = CType(results(0), BAPIRETURN) 
          TInhousestock = CType(results(1), ZBAPI_PL_INHOUSE_STOCK_STRTable) 
    End Sub
    '@ <summary>
    '@ Remote Function Module Z_BAPI_SODOC.  
    '@ BAPI Function - BillTrack - SO Document
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="Return0"></param>
    '@ <param name="Sodocno"></param>
    '@ <param name="Sodocdata"></param>
    <RfcMethod(AbapName := "Z_BAPI_SODOC"), _
    SoapDocumentMethodAttribute("", _
     RequestNamespace := "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions", _
     RequestElementName := "Z_BAPI_SODOC", _
     ResponseNamespace := "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions", _
     ResponseElementName := "Z_BAPI_SODOC.Response")> _
    Public Overridable Sub ZBapiSodoc ( _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "SODOCNO", RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_CHAR, Optional := false, Direction := RFCINOUT.IN, Length := 10), _
     XmlElement("SODOCNO", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByVal Sodocno As String, _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "RETURN",RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_STRUCTURE, Optional := true, Direction := RFCINOUT.OUT), _
     XmlElement("RETURN", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByRef Return0 As BAPIRETURN, _
     <RfcParameter(AbapName := "SODOCDATA",RfcType := RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_ITAB, Optional := false, Direction := RFCINOUT.INOUT), _
     XmlArray("SODOCDATA", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified), _
     XmlArrayItem("item", IsNullable := False, Form := XmlSchemaForm.Unqualified)> _
     ByRef Sodocdata As ZBAPI_SODOC_STRTable)
        Dim results As Object()
        results = SAPInvoke("ZBapiSodoc", new Object() { _
                            Sodocno,Sodocdata })
        Return0 = CType(results(0), BAPIRETURN) 
        Sodocdata = CType(results(1), ZBAPI_SODOC_STRTable) 

    End Sub

    '@ <summary>
    '@ Overload of Remote Function Module Z_BAPI_SODOC.  
    '@ BAPI Function - BillTrack - SO Document
    '@ </summary>
    '@ <param name="Sodocno"></param>
    '@ <param name="Sodocdata"></param>
    Public Overridable Sub ZBapiSodoc ( ByVal Sodocno As String, ByRef Sodocdata As ZBAPI_SODOC_STRTable)
        Dim results As Object()
        results = SAPInvoke("ZBapiSodoc",new Object() { _
                            Sodocno,Sodocdata })
        BapiReturn = CType(results(0), BAPIRETURN) 
          Sodocdata = CType(results(1), ZBAPI_SODOC_STRTable) 
    End Sub

  End Class

The sapproxy constructor is missing.

So when i write :

dim myProxy as SAPProxy1

it generates error SAPProxy1 is not define

But i found the SAPProxy1.vb in solution explorer

The solution explorer for the SAPProxy like this :










Please help and advise


Harry Poernomo