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problem about OO ALV(CL_GUI_ALV_GRID) refresh

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi, everyone, I run into a problem about dynamic ALV as follows:

two alv grids (instances of CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, say 'grid1' 'grid2') displayed each into two spliter containers.

the columns of grid2 are dynamic (the output data internal table is field symbol - call method grid2->set_table_for_first_display ... CHANGE IT_OUTTAB = <GT_TABLE>...).

one custom application button (say 'MYBTN') is added to the second grid.

one column (say 'COL2' ) of grid2 is editable. when 'MYBTN' is pressed, another column (say 'COL1') of grid2 is copyed to 'COL2' and display alv again.

in the USER_COMMAND event, the values of 'COL2' of internal table '<GT_TABLE>' have been changed (values are same as 'COL1') already, 'grid2->REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY' and ' CALL METHOD CL_GUI_CFW=>FLUSH' are called at the end of USER_COMMAND, too. but the display of 'COL2' is not updated.

Pls help, your effort will be appreciated and thanks in advance !


Former Member

Hi Donnie,

At what position have you placed grid2->REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY ? In PBO or after the Event where you modify the table ?

I usually put my code in PBO and have not faced any issues with refresh..

I dont have access to system so cannot confirm if that is the issue. Check the code snippet below

module pbo_0101 output.

if custom_container is initial.

*--> Code for custom container...

call method grid->set_table_for_first_display....


call method grid->refresh_table_display.


Former Member

Hi Donnie,

At what position have you placed grid2->REFRESH_TABLE_DISPLAY ? In PBO or after the Event where you modify the table ?

I usually put my code in PBO and have not faced any issues with refresh..

I dont have access to system so cannot confirm if that is the issue. Check the code snippet below

module pbo_0101 output.

if custom_container is initial.

*--> Code for custom container...

call method grid->set_table_for_first_display....


call method grid->refresh_table_display.

0 Kudos

Hi, Rajvansh Ravi , your answer is very good and I solved the problem. Thank you very much ! And thank everyone for your wonderful answers.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Use method check_changed_data of cl_gui_grid., then only then modified records will be updated into your internal table.,

check my reply in this thread:

hope this helps u.,

Thanks & Regards,
