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Quotation should not allow for changes

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Hi All,

My requirement is once the quotation of order out put is released the system will not allow farther changes in document.

how can we control this.

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Former Member
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You mean, once order is created , quotation should be compelete?? or only no changes allowed in quotation??

if want to comeplete the quottaion, in item catgeoru, put Completion Rule - A, so that quottaion will be comeplete.

if no changes allowed, then you need to go with help of userexit chnages. check VBFA, and doc catergoy is C then no changes allowed logic need to build.

Former Member
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HI Ram Ki

once i issue the output for quotation it will not allow any kind of changes in va22 it will show like va23,i hope we should go with development if u have any idea in that plz help.

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yes, you can check NAST - VSTAT = 1 then no change is possible. like o to VA23 instead of VA22.

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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The simple way would be to give authorization only for create and display VA21 and VA23.

So that the changes cant be done once it is created.