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WorkFlow SRM 7.0 - n-Level Output Limit Approval Process

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i'm trying to configurate the WF from SRM 7.0. The automatic and one step approval i've made it. But when i'm trying to use the N-Level approval , this error "No process levels defined in process scheme X" is shown when someone tries to create a Shopping Car.

I've already activated the BC set for shopping cart , but i can't solve this problem. Anyone has any idea why this error is happening and how to solve it ?

I would be really pleased if someone could help.


Bernardo Ribeiro

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Saravanan ,

first , thank you for your tip. I've already activated the /SAPSRM/T_SC_600_000_SP04 BC set in the SCPR20 transaction.And i noted that in the "Define process Levels" 5 process Level Schema appeared and the one that i want to use is the "9C_BUS2121_EX03", where we have "0EV_SC_SL2" Eval. ID. The Resp. Resolver Name that i'm using is "RR_SPENDING_LIMIT_APPROVER".

In SLG1 the only warning message is "Currency data type without currency identifier for method PREV_APPROVAL_LIMIT" , the rest are only information messages.

I have no idea what might be happening yet ,would you have any other clue ?


Bernardo Ribeiro

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Better remove all the process level configuration and activate only N-step BC set. Let us know your feedback.


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Hi Saravanan,

once again , thank your for you attention.

I did what you told me to do, but it didn't work. The same message "No process levels defined in process scheme X" appears when i try to create a shopping cart.

I have no more ideas of what to do to solve this problem.

Thanks anyway , if you have any other idea.... i would be greatfully


Bernardo Ribeiro

Former Member
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Its so interesting.. Do one thing.. Remove all the process configuration inculding schema evaluation..

re-do from scartch.. Create new "Z" event and new "Z" constant expression and attached the expression to event. assign the event as process shema evaluation. assign the constant expression as process shema definition. now create process level for the process schema definition.. enter the below process level

999 0EV999 40007988 "Decision for Entire documents".. Please make sure you dont have any other process level or process schema definition configured..


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Hi Saravanan

This configuration is the automatic approval right? This one is working fine , just as one step approval. In the one step approval i choose a employee and i can also approve or reprove the SC.

This Error only happens in the N-Step approval. i know that is strange . I even opened a OSS.

You are being really helpful. Thanks. I hope we can solve this together.


Bernardo Ribeiro

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

Do the samething that i suggested in previous reply , but manully change the process level configuration as shown below. make sure you have only one schema definition and process level configured..

100 0B_SC_SPENDLIMAPPR01 RR_SPENDING_LIMIT_APPROVER 40007953 " Decision for entire Doc'

999 oev000 40007988 " Decision for entire Doc'


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Hi Saravanan,

i did what you told me to do , but the error remains.

In the process Schema Evaluation , i'm using the Evaluation id "0EV_SC_SL2". In Process Schema Definition -Object type BUS2121 and Process Level Schema "0EV_SC_SL2".

Process Level configuration : Level - 100 ; Level Type - Approval ; Eval. ID - 0EV_SC_SL2; Resp.Resolver Name - RR_SPENDING_LIMIT_APPROVER; Tas ID - 40007953; Decision Type - Decision for entire document.

Level - 999 ; Level Type - Automatic (System User) ; Eval. ID - 0EV000; Resp.Resolver Name - Empty; Tas ID - 40007988; Decision Type - Decision for entire document.

I think that my options are almost ending.

Best Regards,


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i dont want to give up this.. Can you please take the screen shots of your process level configuration and send to me. you can find my id in my business card. i want to see your configuration please.


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Hi Saravanan

once again, thank you for your help. I entered at your business card but it's all blank.

i don't know if you can see my contact at my business card. I really want to send you the printscreen of my configuration, and here it's not allowed to post any contact. Sorry .

Thanks again.


Bernardo Ribeiro

Former Member
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I am also not able to see your id..I don't know that sharing the email id is lligal or not..i used to get email from forum people, they find my id in my business card.. can you please try again to see my id in my business card..


Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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Did you activate the N-Step Badi BC set or you just change the RR name of the exisiting process level? it seems like the process schema definition of the process level is not determine. what do you see in SLG1? try to activate the N-Step BC set and chek or remove all the existing process configurations and check.
