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account determination ID in contract

Former Member
0 Kudos


as account determination ID is available on both CA and contract I assumed, also based in the fact that this field is customizable in the contract, that the field account determination ID would be an optional field. Nevertheless I have to fill out a value here, whatever changes I make in the customizing settings.

Any thoughts from anyone?

thanks for any answer which might help me.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Maarten,

It is possible not to fill the account determination ID (AD ID) at the contract level, if there is an AD ID already at the contract account level.

You need to perform a screen modification for the same under the following config path-

SPRO->SAP Utlities->Master Data->Utility Contract->Defiine field Selction for Utlity Contracts.

But in that scenario, you will not be able to post documents\invoices at the contract level, you will always have to post them at contract account level (i.e.-Division independent).

By 'Line Item type', I tried to mean the normal FI-CA documents

There are SPRO configurations where you need to maintain the string for AD ID along with the company code and division, if you want to post them at contarct level.

SPRO->Financial Accounting->Contract Accounts receivable and payable->Basic Functions->Contract Accounts->Define Account determination ID for Contracts\Define Account detrmiantion ID for contract accounts.

Hope it answers your question.........



View solution in original post


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Maarten,

Account Determiantion ID is a charactersitic used with Company Code, division, main transaction, and sub transaction to determine a GL A/c. (Transaction Code-EK01 and EK02).All receivables or revenue from contracts with the same account determination characteristic are posted to the receivables or revenue account assigned to this account determination characteristic

You can use the Account determiantion ID to segregate the customers based on either contestability or region or customer group.It's a free field in a way that SAP gives you the space as to how you group your customers.

However, it is a manadatory field as because, it is related to the posting of documents in IS-U.

If you have a contract account\contarct with no Account determination ID, you will not be able to post document against them.

When a document is posted, the account determination characteristic

- Is determined automatically for the Utilities application area from the contract account or the contract, if a contract reference is specified in the line item

- Is determined automatically for the Insurance application area from the contract

- Is determined automatically from the contract account or the contract object for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, Public Services .

Hope it helps....



0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

I have an issue, wherein i am not able to view the field 'Account Determination ID" in the Contract account.

Understand that till the time, i do not fill this field in the contract account master, i would not be able to post any FI-CA document.

I also made the configuration changes in SPRO - FICA- Basic Functions - Contract Accounts - Field Modifications - Configure Field attributes for contract account category AND SPRO - FICA- Basic Functions - Contract Accounts - Field Modifications - Configure Field attributes per activity.

In the above configuration, i made the field " Account determination characteristic" an optional entry. Even after making the above changes, i cannot see the "Account determination ID" field in the contract account master

Kindly request you to guide me as to how can i get this field getting displayed in Contract account master for entry.

Thanks and Regards

Vishwanath B

0 Kudos

Under same path make sure that for the given contract account category , field attributes are configured according to your requirement.

CA>Basic Function > Field Modifications>Configure Field Attributes for Contract account category

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amlan,

thanks for the info. I know the concept of acc.det. ID, The one thing i would like to know if it is possible to NOT fill out the acc.det. ID in the contract when it is filled out in the contract account.

Therefore I was triggered by your remark: Is determined automatically for the Utilities application area from the contract account or the contract, if a contract reference is specified in the line item. Can you maybe elaborate on this some more, since I can not find any settings in the line item types (if you refer to line item types used in rates or are you referring to something else)



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Maarten,

It is possible not to fill the account determination ID (AD ID) at the contract level, if there is an AD ID already at the contract account level.

You need to perform a screen modification for the same under the following config path-

SPRO->SAP Utlities->Master Data->Utility Contract->Defiine field Selction for Utlity Contracts.

But in that scenario, you will not be able to post documents\invoices at the contract level, you will always have to post them at contract account level (i.e.-Division independent).

By 'Line Item type', I tried to mean the normal FI-CA documents

There are SPRO configurations where you need to maintain the string for AD ID along with the company code and division, if you want to post them at contarct level.

SPRO->Financial Accounting->Contract Accounts receivable and payable->Basic Functions->Contract Accounts->Define Account determination ID for Contracts\Define Account detrmiantion ID for contract accounts.

Hope it answers your question.........



0 Kudos

If you use the contract object, then the safe assumption is that you will use it for posting. And you would need the ADID filled at that contract object.

You could have multiple contracts for a contract account - each of them having different ADID values.

In the end - why does this matter?

