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What is ABAP Proxy ??

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I am little confused here when I was reading the Chapter about the Proxy generation.

What I understand is if your SAP version is 6.2 or above and XI ver is 3.0, then you can generate the ABAP proxies for you message exchange. But I am little confused about where to generate these proxies.

using SPROXY, we can generate proxies on Application System (SAP R/3 .. can be one of the sender) OR on Integratin Server (SAP XI Box .. which is Middleware).

Please tell me if I am correct or otherwise ..

Also, Can someone plz explain where shud we generate these proxies ie. on Application system or on the Intrgration Server or on Both?

Please consider the scenario that I am sending some data from SAP 6.4 system to a Third party System ?

Thank you !!!

- Harsh.

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Hi Harshad,

Please go through the information provided in the blogs below which explains clearly about ABAP Proxies and their implementation.

<a href="/people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy Proxies in XI</a>

<a href="/people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies Server Proxies</a>

<a href="/people/prateek.shah/blog/2005/06/14/file-to-r3-via-abap-proxy to R/3 via ABAP Proxy</a>

Please do let me know if you want any more help regarding the same.



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Hi Harshad,

<b>ABAP server proxy</b> is created for the inbound interface creted in XI's Integration repository proxy should be created in the business system for which the interface is created .

<b>Client proxies</b>

Classes (Java, ABAP Object) are generated for outbound interfaces.By calling a method of the class you can transfer your data to the proxy, which constructs the message and forwards it to the Integration Server. Proxy for outbound interfaces are called client proxies.

Here are some links about different types of proxy.

/people/vijaya.kumari2/blog/2006/01/26/how-do-you-activate-abap-proxies - Activate Proxy

/people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies - ABAP Server Proxy

/people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy - ABAP Client Proxy

Hope these help you!


Prashanth Azharuddin

P.S: Please reward points for helpful answers

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The literal definition of a proxy is an object / process authorized to act for another; an agent or a substitute. In simpler terms, proxies in the XI context are objects used to encapsulate the creation (from a sender system) or parsing of XML (at a receiver system) as well as the communication with the relevant runtime components required to send or receive those messages. The Proxy Runtime controls these objects / processes, and can itself be controlled by the applications it communicates with.

The Proxy Runtime currently has the following components available:

1. ABAP Proxy Runtime – Communication using XI or Web Services

2. Java Proxy Runtime – Communication using XI (J2EE)

The objects that the Proxy Runtime then controls are created via Proxy Generation,

ABAP Proxy Runtime


The ABAP Proxy Runtime is used within SAP Web AS 6.40 environments. It provides a uniform programming model for the following types of communication scenarios:

1. From / To an ABAP Application

2. From / To an ABAP Web Service

ABAP Application Related


This method is used by ABAP Applications (in a Web AS 6.4 or greater system) for exchanging messages with the IS using ABAP Proxies. Both synchronous and asynchronous exchanges are supported.

In an ABAP Proxy client scenario, an ABAP application utilizes an ABAP Proxy to send a message from itself to the IS in XI Protocol (XML) format. Conversely in a server scenario, the ABAP Proxy receives a XML message from the IS and converts it to be received by the ABAP Application.

ABAP Proxies are created via ABAP Proxy generation.

ABAP Web Service Related


The Web Service side enables the following scenarios:

1. Client Proxy only: Allows calling a Web Service on the Internet (synchronous only). This does not require XI services or the IS

2. Server Proxy only: Allows using an inbound Message Interface as a Web Service (synchronous only). Generating the server proxy requires a Message Interface within XI (Repository)

3. Point to Point: If none of the XI services are required (mapping, routing, multiple receivers, etc) then messages can be sent directly using the Web Services Framework from one SAP Web AS 6.40 system to another

Proxy Generation


Proxy Generation converts non-language-specific interface descriptions in WSDL into Proxies. In WSDL, messages that are transferred are described using XSD. Remember that Message Interfaces created in the Repository are WSDL / XSD.

Proxy Generation is based upon these Message Interfaces, and is created differently based on:

1. Synchronous vs. Asynchronous transfer

2. Inbound vs. Outbound direction

3. ABAP vs. Java target language

This generation creates classes and structures for the data types and interfaces written in WSDL. Client proxies are created from outbound Message Interfaces, server proxies from inbound Message Interfaces.

ABAP Proxy Generation can be done via the following transactions:

1. SE80