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Budget Committment - for Procurement Contracts

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear All,

The requirement is to commit budget when the contract is created in procurement. I have followed all the configurations steps defined in IMG > Integration > Integration Materials Management > Contracts > Define Integration Scenarios. But when I create a contract the system is not committing budget. I create the contract after PR is created which reference to PR.

Could you please advice the process and steps that needs to be followed.

Best regards

Abishay Solomon


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Read the help on this IMG activity and follow the steps. Make a note that the system is supposed to create EMF of type reservation for the contract and commit the budget through it. I.e. there is no direct commtiment of a budget by the contract itself like it happens for PR, PO, etc.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Eli,

I have gone through the complete IMG documentation and followed the step recommended by SAP in IMG documentation. The problem is when the contract is created the system is not creating EMF of type reservation. What do I need to check/Do to resolve this.

Best regards

Abishay Solomon

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


If you are sure that all the relevant steps are completed and still no integration occurs, then I'd suggest to open OSS message.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Thank you, I have raised OSS Message.


Abishay Solomon

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

OK, please, don't forget to share SAP feedback on this forum...

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Eli,

SAP reply :

If you are on the 'item overview' of the contract (transaction ME31K)

please select an item and press then the push-button 'commitment plan'.

On the next screen please set the button 'Generate Commitment Plan Item'and enter the FM account assignment.

If you save the data the funds reservation will be generated

My reply:

1. In ME31k, Item overview screen, I enter Item catergory "D", Account Assignment "F", Short Text "Accounting service", and Material Group - "Z1001004" and Select the line and then click on Button "Commitment Plan". Then the sys is taking me to screen "Service Specifications: Contract Specs for Item Maintain".

2. In this screen, i maintain the service code "EOL1", Quantity and Price, then press enter.

3. Sys is giving me the pop-up to maintain the CO Object and I maintain the Order number "5000165" along with GL code - "4111100010".Based on this info, sys is able to derive the funds center and the commitment item.

4. When I press save the sys is generating a error message "Account assignment for item 00001 already exists - Message no. MECP009". If i press enter again then the sys is save the contract and give me contract number with out earmarked funds reservation document.


Abishay Solomon

Former Member
0 Kudos


I had a similar issue recently. Following your instructions if the material is integrated with FM, the sytem will derive the FM account assignments from the material, and also from the cost object you are using.

You can use the trace tool in FMDERIVE for checking how FM address is being derived from yours AAC.

Transaction ME31K creates a contract, that may or not create a funds reservation.

In case it should create an EMF funds reservation, the aac should be left blank. This makes that the account assignment is not derived, being possible to enter the commitment plan.

I hope this helps

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear all,

I have done the necessary IMG and have successfully created a stock material contract with commitment plan.

However, I encounter problem on creating a contract for service procurement with commitment plan. 
I tried to input the Service item (Item category set to ‘D’ Service) in contract creation (ME31K) with below account assignment options, but both are failed to proceed to the commitment plan screen. 

Option 1: Account Assignment is left blank, system prompts two errors:
ME017 - Item category D can only be used with account assignment category
MECP010 - Item 00010: Maintain material no., acct assignment cat., or commitment plan

Option 2: Account Assignment is set to ‘Unknown’, system prompts:
MECP009 - Account assignment for item 00010 already exists

How can I create a service contract with commitment?  Anyone can help on this?

PS: In OSS Note Note 1540826 - Commitment plan: Insert account assignment data in contract
“You are able to enter account assignment data for a contract item which has already a commitment plan maintained.
This is wrong. You should not be able to maintain account assignment data for a contract item which has an existing commitment plan.”

Does it mean commitment plan for purchase contract is applicable for “valuated stock material procurement”?  Anyone has workaround?


Please advice if you have solved the problem and how SAP replies

