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And in a suprise result several ISPs make it into "Top Companies"

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Was slightly amused to find today several ISPs in the list of most contributing companies.

What amused me was that I thought that they didn't use SAP. So I had a drill into the users supposedly coming from those companies. getting a great reputation - 55th top contributing company in the year to date.

Yahoo mail - seems to be doing quite well... along with and

closely followed by

Now what is further amusing is that the "members" of these companies do not represent them they just use them for their email addresses!

Perhaps it would be an idea to put some filters on these ISP/email provider type address so that they don't show up in the top companies list?

Accepted Solutions (1)

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You are right Chris. We do have some filters in place so what we need to do here is update the list of domains to be excluded. I'm taking this up to the team.



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Thanks Laure,

I wondered why Gmail wasn't in the top 10 contributing companies list

Do let me know when the filter has been updated!

I might then even make in into top 75 companies for the year 😄



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Hi Laure,

I note that the filters still haven't been updated. Any update on when we might hope for this to happen?



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Hi Chris,

I just finished updating the list of exclusions. Please give it some time to replicate on SCN - probably up to 24 hours?

This is something that I will do regularly from now on.



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Thanks Laure!

I noticed that the ymail's had gone, but can still see

I'll wait another day and hopefully it will go too.

Many thanks for looking into this! - I can now brag that I managed to push my company into the top 75 in the year to date:-)


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Still there are some ISP's in TOp Companies list, when am checking for my company i found some of them like below.check these yahoo,rediff,rocket mail, ..



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Hi Mahesh,

With thousands of new SCN members each week, and different ISP domains worldwide, this is an ongoing process and I have a reminder in my calendar to update the list of exclusions regularly, every month or so... I will do this again today.



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Hi Laure,

my intention is to intimate the concerned person regarding this issue, not to blame any one. I noticed them and post it here. Thanks for your valuable work on this.



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Of course Mahesh that's how I understood it as well It's good to know you can rely on the community to remind you!

By the way, I wanted to ask if you know, at the top of your head, which domains you had noticed? Because the list is long I may have missed some of them. Let me know!

All the best,


Edited by: Laure Cetin on Sep 17, 2010 11:27 PM

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How about releasing them all and if someone from the domain is guestified, then all ponits to that domain are subtracted for all users for the past week or months?

That will get rid of a lot of noise and cure many of the problems at the root-cause level.

For example, managers that motivate their employees on the bench to spam SDN regardless of the content and gurus who should be "mentoring" juniors, will take more care - regardless of the domain name. The ISPs won't last long nor get anywhere.

The primary problem with moderation is the gmail type accounts. We have moderator tools to map these to repeat offenders. We can trace these quite easily back to the source when it becomes a pest. If we lob all the ponits off a company because one of their freshers spammed SDN with interview questions again and again despite warnings, then they will take action.

The ISP's are not the problem. Also consider that they might change their domain later on (for example shortly before the kindergarten year closes and SAP hands out the lucky packets to the gurus ...).

It would be very usefull for moderators if we could put some bricks in their school bags....



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what a good idea - certainly those companies who are spamming SCN (or encouraging their employees to do so by their policies) should be penalised as a whole if one of their users gets guestified perhaps the application of the same number of points that the user had prior to guestification but as a negative number, with, perhaps, an additional 500 pinots removed for the costs associated with the running and maintenance of the [guestificator|] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]; Also to be able to see in the list of contributors for the company the number of Guest users and the toll this is taking on the company's SCN ranking.

I would hope this would then encourage more responsible internal policies for companies on SCN usage.

The ranking of my company within SCN is something that I use internally to help convince staff to contribute and also one of the things I use to convince managers to give permission to employees to contribute. Penalising those companies that are abusing the system would be a good step forward and making the playing field a little more level.

It's a good idea - would you mind if I "stole it" to put it into Idea Place?



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It's a good idea - would you mind if I "stole it" to put it into Idea Place?

Hello Chris,

I know my ideas are not that brilliant, but if you would like to steal any of them for idea place, you´re free to go.

I feel a little embraced I shouted to get the IP as soon as possible and now don´t have time to really use it.

I remember some SAP guys saying something about not pushing Idea place much before it gets "improved" here and there (it was mainly because of the SSO issue, I think) and still wait for the rage of users which is not coming (or am I missing something?).

What are your feelings about the current state of IP, friends?

Regards Otto

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Otto's answer is mine as well

I like the additional idea of yours that if ponitz is going to be some sort of pseudo-currency then we might as well use it to fine people and the domains which are neglecting their social responsibility toward SDN by keeping them on track. So, a 500 ponit "handling fee" seems appropriate and an anonymized total number of Guests per domain so that one can see which companies are noisy quantity and which ones are guru quality.

Showing per company domain how many guestifications were done in the past year could also become some sort of a contest to minimize damages - much healthier than a contest to race at all costs for max ponitz.



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Showing per company domain how many guestifications were done in the past year could also become some sort of a contest to minimize damages - much healthier than a contest to race at all costs for max ponitz.

Something like escaping from the Silent Hill? ))))))


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I'd have to check with David if there was any way of tracing back the guestification process to create such a report of "top negative contributors". (I'm afraid I rather doubt there is though) Conversing with managements that foster the kind of behaviour you all abhor and having the glaring documentation of that negative contribution would be fairly potent deterrent.

On a more positive note, I remember fondly seeing Bhanu Gupta's company Molex coming up as a top company by virtue of her almost single-handed participation. This was true for some notable others as well who raised their own company's profile on SCN because of their amazing individual contribution. Does it mean that those should be discounted as well from Top Companies because of the unique participation of individuals?

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> Does it mean that those should be discounted as well from Top Companies because of the unique participation of individuals?

Absolutely not! If an individual has their own domain they should be very proud to take it right to the top.

NB in the current list (well it was a few days ago - list not working right now Tony de Thomasis - one of the two Australia SAP Mentors. Interestingly he hadn't switched it to the company he now works for... But I'd be very happy for exceptional people like him to be listed up there all by themselves.

I've added the Idea - hope that somehow there is some technical feasibility to this - as it does seem to be a winning idea from Julius!

[Idea Place - Top Contributing Companies - Making them responsible|]


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