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Is there any tool that records the total execution time of one Tcode??

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi, experts:

Now i have encountered one tough problem:

i want to analyze the process of ecatt-activaion,and expect to find some solution about how to improve the performance of ecatt-activation(active the ecatt in solution builder).

Now, i use "SE30: ABAP Runtime Anaylze "..

After my test, However, now ,in SE30, i got the result:36.6 seconds. But my ecatt-activation log says the ecatt costs 63 seconds...

that means: SE30 can not record the total time of the activation...

Now i wanna to know:

in SAP, is there any tool that can record the total execution time of one Tcode or one activity(ex, here the activity is "ECATT-ACTIVATION")???

More: is there anybody who knows the difference of the above 2 time??

Thanks very very much....


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

the SE30 is for performance analysis on the backend.

For time measurements, the statistical records (stad) is enough, also only backend.

If there is frontend (web UIs) you will need additional tool, however; i can not comment on that, as I do not know what is available for you.


0 Kudos

Try to measure it with Tcode - ST05 the it records every thing.

Hope it will help you ..



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

>Try to measure it with Tcode - ST05 the it records every thing.

only if everything contains only SQL statements

O.k., the performance trace has more (RFC, enqueue, buffer) but still far away from everything. The performance trace is a special powerful analysis tool, but not intended to measure transactions.