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Load balance with log-on grp

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

I have configured sap web dispatcher for load balaning with log-on grp. I am using Netweavre 7.01 with DB2 on linux.

My scenario is as -

Database is on -

portal1 is on -

portal2 is on -

sap web dispatcher is on -

I dnt want ppl to use any portal URL to access it but What I want is that ppl should access only sap web dispatcher( and should be redirected on the available portal resource.

I can define -

wdisp/server_0 =portal1

wdisp/server_1 =portal2

wdisp/J2EE/group_info_location = portal1 (log-on grp configured on portal1)

In the above scenario what should be web dispatcher URL, I should be giving to the users to login ??????

Many thanx in advance

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Answers (2)

Former Member
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If I just configure sap web dispatcher, is it enough for load balancing or we need to configure SAP-logon group too on portal ???

Do we really need log-on grp for load balancing or web dispatcher configuration is enough ????

plz clarify !!!!!!!

Edited by: basis basis on Jun 14, 2010 9:02 PM

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


In the above scenario what should be web dispatcher URL, I should be giving to the users to login ??????

below will be the URL to be provided for users

http://<webdispatcher hostname>:81NN/irj/portal

<webdispatcher hostname> === hostname of webdispatcher

81NN == NN is nothing but instance no of webispatcher.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Anil,

IS there nyway I can check, my load balacing wrking or nt ???


Former Member
0 Kudos


What does it mean when you say "portal1" and "portal2". Are they two different portal servers or additional application servers ?

If you have additional application servers, then you can check the load balancing in the web dispatcher admin console. There is URL to login to admin console.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Raghu,

If we have additional appl server thn we can monitor admin consol.

Wht if, we have two different portal server ?????

Former Member
0 Kudos


When you are connecting to two servers with the same web dispatcher, then there is no load balancing.

Load balancing will only happen when you have same SAP system with multiple application servers. If your SAP systems are different, then what load balance you are looking for ?

