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Load Hierarchy Data

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

Currently we are using SAP MDM 7.1 SP 04.

I have a requirement to load the hierarchy data, which comes in an xml file.

This hierarchy is always at one level, for example if we have a group as hierarchy table, then the data is,

Group -- table name

--- G1

--- G2

G1 and G2 are at same level, they will never have childs to it.

Now, when there is a new G3, the data doesnot get loaded automatically to Group, as a sibling to G1 and G2.

Everytime, i will have to do this manually.

Can you please let me know, is there a way to do this, as i this will be an automatic process.

Thanks & Regards,


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Former Member
0 Kudos

it works fine now.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Priya,

It seems to be related to the map it self you are using.

If you open the map with Import Manager, how is the value mapping defined for this hierarchy?

In the add options you can either Add As Child to the parent root node or to the Add As Child leaf node (depends what level is selected in the destination hierarchy values).

If it is mapped to Add As Child to the leaf node then the situation you descirbed will happen (G3 as child of G2)

Please try to change the map so that the source values as set to Add As Child to the parent root node.


Hedda Cohen.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Hedda,

I have set the value map as Leaf node, but still it doesnot get loaded automatically.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Priya

Can you please share the xml file used for importing the hierarchies, you can provide a snapshot. That will help in finding out the reasons.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Priya,

In Import Manager, Go to Configuration Options--> Navigate to Default MDIS Handling > Automap Unmapped values = Yes and Unmapped Value handling = Add. Also set property in configuration options> Navigate to Value automap --> Hierarchy = Full path/Leaf Node. Save these both above Configuration options also during Import Map Save.

Revert with result if this helps you


Mandeep Saini

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mandeep,

Thanks for the information.

But still it doesnot seem to work.

Actally, i have Group ID and Group Name as display field in the Hiearchy table.

Group ID i have directly mapped to Group ID.

I have created a Split Hierarchy of Group Name and mapped it.

I have also made all the options configurations as per your suggestions, but it doenot work still.

Can you please help.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Priya,

Have you tried using MDIS (Import Server) ? It does not work if you checked again using Import Manager, here new values need to map manually. Make sure you saved configuration options in Import Map.

Just check and revert if it works using Import Server or not.


Mandeep Saini

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Mandeep,

I tried this as well, it is not working.



Active Contributor
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This your hierarchy is always one level, then try by mapping Group Name source field to MDM Group Name field, instead of mapping Split hierarchy Group Name field.

Try it and let us know the result.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

I tried this as well, but it doesnot works.

