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table not printing data for all lines

Former Member
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Hi all,

I need to create a smartform where I have to print the header details at the start and then below that details for all line items for a particular document.

so i have data ;ike :

Header data :

field 1 : field 2:

Field3 : field4:

field5: field6:

Item data :

field1 field2 field3 field4 --> Item 1

field1 field2 field3 field4 -->Item 2






field 1 field2 field3 field4 -->Item3

For the Header data,Im planning to use a template in a secondary window.

However for the item data,i need to use a table (As i know the no of records only at runtime).Also another reason for usng table would be that I dont need the header on each flloowing page but only the Line item details on the following pages.

Now after having creatdd the msartform as descrbed above,I am facing asn issue when printing the Item details.

I have deifned the table under the DATA tab for the table Node.Im printing the item details trough the work area of the internal table.

However when my internal table has 2 records the smartform prints only 1 record.

Do I need to add the LOOP statement in the MAIN WINDOW above the table NODE?

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Former Member
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How did U solve this problem?