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Regarding BI Certification topics

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This is regarding SAP BW certification (Associate level) material. As I understand from the SAP website* that we

need to study TBW 10,20,41,42(2 parts) and 45. This website* also mentions about the 'Topics' to study. Does it

mean that concentrating only on the 'Topics' specified for the relevant books is sufficient or do we

need to study entire syllabus (ie, entire units) of all the books.

Please can any certified person advice/share your views?

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Though I'm not BW certified from my experience from writing Security certification I'd advice reading all the units with emphasis on topics listed for the exam.

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

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Perfect. I better study everything. Thank you Puneet for your time to answer my question.

Many thanks!

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nice to hear that you are enrolling for bw certification.

now in sap certification whenever exams comes qts arises....

this is a common doubt among everybody whoever goes for certification. now since you wanted to know what exactly you have to study from the exam point of you.. so let me tell you that you have to be thorough with all the concepts from your certification material. just simply forget what sap has given on their websites about the marks distribution based on topics. i am telling you because i dont want you to get surprise during the exams.

let me tell you something sap asks all the qts from the certification books that it provides to you.... and also certain outside qts ... yes they will definitely pop up... i assure you that... at that moment you will think that its an outside qts... and you cant do anything about that... but this type of qts will be one or two so no need to scare about that.. see this thing everybody does in order to test your skills and to make sure that to score 100 % is too difficult.

now since you are confused about why the sap have mentioned about the topics and its percentage of qts that will come in exams. this thing nobody know till yet... see when we people have got this similar doubt we raised a qts to the sap people they said we cant help you with this . on the phone they said that whatever is mentioned similar to that will appear on the exam.. but qts did appear from different sections too for eg from e learning... that we considered a minor topic but a lot of qts were asked from the elearning section... since this didnt matter to me that much as i was thorough with all the concepts of my certification..

so only i need to tell you is that to just pass the exams doesnt mean anything by just studying only those concepts which are related to the exam point of you.. i will suggest you that you understand all the concepts first and dont care about passing the exams.. if you have understood the concepts properly i bet you will score the highest marks much more than passing marks that you are worried of.

all the best for your certification!!

hope this will surely help you!!

thanks & regards,

punit raval.

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Thanks Partha.

I understand studying all units (all books) will definitely be helpful in all ways but it is time consuming... so wanted to know why they have mentioned the 'topics', they (ie, SAP) could have just listed the TBW books names instead mentioning this. Appreciate a perfect ans pls no assumption or guessing! A right response is def going to be helpful.

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