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How to show messagearea without scrollbar in Webdynpro

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Hai all i show a messagearea in a webdynpro using code as shown.

When the view is shown in the browser a scroll bar is displayed, how can i get rid of this scroll bar

and display the complet message!?!?!

METHOD wddoinit .

DATA: lr_current_controller TYPE REF TO if_wd_controller,

lr_message_manager TYPE REF TO if_wd_message_manager,

lv_message TYPE string.

CONCATENATE 'Je gaat nu de opleiding opzoeken in het bestand. Vul in het veld Opleiding de naam of een deel van' cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline

'de naam van je opleiding in. Klik daarna op Zoeken en alle opleidingen met die naam of een deel van' cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline

'die naam worden weergegeven. Je kan de zoekresultaten verfijnen door velden Sector en Rubriek te gebruiken.' cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline

'Als je de juiste opleiding vind klik je die aan en klik je op het veld Selecteren.' cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline

'Je komt dan terug in het scherm Gegevens opleiding.'

INTO lv_message SEPARATED BY space.

lr_current_controller ?= wd_this->wd_get_api( ).

CALL METHOD lr_current_controller->get_message_manager


message_manager = lr_message_manager.

CALL METHOD lr_message_manager->clear_messages( ).

CALL METHOD lr_message_manager->report_success


message_text = lv_message.


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Answers (2)

Former Member
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I have the same issue in one of my application. I created a transparent container and put the msg area in it. I did not specify any width for the msg area ui or the container....but the horizontal scrol bar was keep appearing...than I figure out what was happening....

say in your layout you have three ui elements....if you set width for any of these ui elements less than the message text...webdynpro takes that ui width into account...

so to get rid of the horizontal scroll bar...I needed to get rid of ALL the width values for my ALL the ui elements in the layout...

after that...I did not get the scroll bar....leave all the widths to default....means blank....



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Sorry forgot to tell taht i have a vertical scrollbar!!!

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oh well, than I guess it is different. I did little bit of research on it...and I found this:


but it does not seem to have any impact on the msg area height...still looking if find something let you know...



Note: go for the msg area properties tab on the left side... that is what they have:::

MessageArea Properties

Properties in the View Designer

· firstVisibleMessage

First visible message.

Note that this property is not API-visible, that means it cannot be changed by application developers.

· historyVisible

Visibility of the complete message log.

This property can be personalized both by a user and by an administrator.

This property can be assigned the value, false, through personalization.

· maxVisibleMessages

Maximum number of messages that can be displayed without a scrollbar. A negative or zero value means u201Cunlimitedu201D and all messages appear without a scrollbar.

Edited by: J Are on Jun 30, 2009 1:20 PM

Active Contributor
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place the message area ui in a transparent container and specify its height and width (little bigger).

I havent tried this...but it may work...give a try...



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This does not work, now in the browser the container is bigger but the message area still show a scroll bar!