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Create a Client Proxy for consume wsdl via https URL return a 110 HTTP code

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear all.

I has new in this forum, and i have a problem when trie to create a client proxy from external WSDL, using https URL, system returns me a 110 http code. For others externs WSDL called via http don´t have any problem, and create client proxy perfect

Someone can help please.

best regards in advance.

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Former Member
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congratulations! you discovered a very rare species of HTTP status code. you may want to learn to reproduce it, tame that beast and present it to the curious audience.

according to RFC 1945 this HTTP code is

o 1xx: Informational - Not used, but reserved for future use

someone probably wants to put you(or your web client implementation) on a test or is simply playing a joke on you. save the WSDL locally and use that.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Anton I download de WSDL definition in a local file, but when I trie to use, the error persist.

If I test de URL via WebService navigation option, this work correctly, but if I put this URL thats begins with https, in se80--> create client proxy -->insert URL and then system returns the message HTTP error (return code 110, message "")

What it´s happen?.

Best regards in advance.


Former Member
0 Kudos
  • enter the url in your favourite browser and get some xml gibberish which is the content of the WSDL

  • right click in your browser and select something like "Show Source"

  • mark all the xml, copy it paste it into a file and save it on your hard disc under C:\temp\my_locally_stored_but_nevertheless_nice_WSDL.wsdl

  • go to SE80 -> New Enterprise Service -> Service Consumer -> Loc. file <--- here you choose C:\temp\my_locally_stored_but_nevertheless_nice_WSDL.wsdl

and there you go...I hope.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Ok perfect, but now appear next error when test client proxy Class


<ERRORTEXT>SRT: Processing error in Internet Communication Framework: ("ICF Error when receiving the response: HTTP COMMUNICATION FAILURE")</ERRORTEXT>

I create a logical port for this class and error are the same.

Some idea?