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Former Member
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Dear all,

Who can explain me the differences between CM and ECM?

The problem is that no standard worklow exists for ECM, which has to result in modifications to insert the functions.

As we are willing to follow the standard as much as possible, we wonder if we can do the same but within CM where standard workflow is foreseen.

What are the differences between CM and ECM, advantages/disadvantages, project experiences related to this?

Thanks for your feedback.



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Hi Manuel,

We have ECM up & running and have completed two Merit cycles with it so far.. I cannot compare it with CM as we directly went live with ECM..the one big difference ECM would have would be the need for MSS.. but then you have the flexibility of being able to complete everything online.. I agree a workflow would have been of help, but we really didn't feel its absence.. as the Merit is done only once a year..

About its limitations, there is not much you can do on the frontend.. even though there are quite a few BAdIs that give a lot of leverage in the backend.. we still had to go in for a couple of source code modifications.. the front end would become unwieldy if there are too many Compensation Plans.. if a pernr is eligible for a plan, it would show up on all the other plans also, irrespective of eligibility (this was a big irritant & there seems to be no workaround)..


Suresh Datti