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Importing sibling relationships

Former Member
0 Kudos

I want to import several thousand sibling relationships into our main products table to be used for cross selling opportunities. In short, when a user queries part a, then parts b, c and d appear in the relationship (and vice versa). I've created a text file with the records (2185 of them) running down the page, then the related records running across the page ([TAB] delimeted). This created a massive relationship table where it linked all 2185 records to each other of the 2185 records and not to those specified across the page? The documentation seems to tell me that this doesn't work through the import manager (can only use that to import parent/child relationships) so how do i get these cross sell relationships imported? Has anyone done this before???

Thanks muchly

p.s. after a while i'll be able to start giving some answers too! (n00b here)...

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Adam,

Yes you are corect that you cannot import Sibling Relationships using Import manager, however you can achieve this using Data Manager. Open the Data Manager, select Relationships -> Import From File. It ask for the import file, first export the relationship to confirm the format it expects then try to import your data.


Jitesh Talreja

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Jitesh,

Unfortunately, this doesn't result in the expected results however. When i load a single sibling relationship in the relationship "Related Products", it has the following characteristics..

Anchor record: 15,BE related records, MCB4-110, 20MD, 449AWE, 180/20. If i look in the relationship entities then this is all good, until i load the second record..

Anchor record, 15,BK related records, MCB4-110, 20MD, 449AWE, 180/20. However when i look in the relationships table for 15,BK is see that it is now sibling related to 15,BE as well? This shouldn't happen as these two anchor products are not necessarily related (don't want to cross sell across them anyway) but the other components are linked to each item in their own right. How do i load these cross selling relationships to be more targeted than this flat structure that seems to be built by default? I want to have much more control over this in the data base and would like to see that a record is linked to 4 or 5 cross selling products only.