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Javascripting in Excel OWC in WIB

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0 Kudos

Hi all,

Anyone out there know how to return a range value of an item in an embedded excel layout?

Javascript in HTML layouts uses methods (e.g. getElementById, search etc) to find items in the HTML layouts, but how would one do the equivalent to find say an account number and return the range values of where it sits in the excel layout?

Any wise ideas fellow earthlings...?



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Here's a java script in which i am populating the value of a field (row, column) and also changing the width and height of display.

<script language="jscript">
onload=function () {
  var layout_id = "LAYOUT_LAY001";
  var maxrow = 11
  layout_sheet = getBpsExcel( layout_id );
  if (layout_sheet && layout_sheet.ActiveSheet) 

{ // Excel OWC available
    // set the properties of the component = 1000; = 1000;
    layout_sheet.Cells(1,1).value = "Anand Jain";

//get the maximum row for which the data has been entered
for (i=11; i<100; i++) {
if (layout_sheet.Cells(i,1).value !=null)
 { maxrow++;}
else {break;}
if (layout_sheet.Cells(i,1).value !="")
 { maxrow++;}
else {break;}

alert (maxrow); 
alert (layout_sheet.Cells(i,1).value) }
 layout_sheet.Cells(maxrow,1).value = "This is the last line";}

  function getBpsExcel( layout_id )
      var layout_sheet = document.all( layout_id );
      var classIds = ["CLSID:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046",  // 2003
                      "CLSID:0002E551-0000-0000-C000-000000000046",  // XP(2002)
                      "CLSID:0002E510-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"]; // 2000

      // if Excel OWC NOT available => try OCX from another known office version
      var defClassId = layout_sheet.classid;
      for (i = 0; !layout_sheet.ActiveSheet && i < classIds.length; i++) {
        if (classIds<i> == defClassId) continue; // skip default

        // remove the irrelevant object

        // create new object & set size attributes
        layout_sheet = document.createElement("OBJECT"); = "0"; = "0";

        // append to dom and activate OCX
        var layout_div = document.all( layout_id + "-div" );
        layout_sheet = layout_div.appendChild(layout_sheet);
        layout_sheet.classid = classIds<i>; = layout_id;
      } // loop over OCX classes

      if (layout_sheet.ActiveSheet) { // Excel OWC available

        // send the office version to the backend
        document.all(layout_id + "-class").value = layout_sheet.classid;

        layout_sheet.ActiveSheet.Protection.Enabled = false;

        // For input handling of excel we need to submit
        // the decimal separator from regional settings on the client
        // Take sample values from the OWC

        var cellValue;
        var cell = layout_sheet.cells(1,1);
        var oldFormat = cell.NumberFormat;
        cell.NumberFormat  = "#,##0.0";


        cell.ParseText("1.5", "t");
        cellValue = getBpsCell(cell);
        if (cellValue == "") { // clipboard failed, get system setting
          cellValue = new  Number(1.5 ).toLocaleString();
        document.all("bps-float_number").value = cellValue;

        cell.ParseText("1000", "t");
        cellValue = getBpsCell(cell);
        if (cellValue == "") { // clipboard failed, get system setting
          cellValue = new Number(1000).toLocaleString();
        document.all("bps-thousand_number").value = cellValue;


        cell.NumberFormat = oldFormat;

      return layout_sheet;


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Anand,

Thanks a lot matey. This is exactly what I am looking for as it help me work out the call statements etc...

Appreciate it.



Former Member
0 Kudos


If it answers the question can you please assign the appropriate points and close the thread.


Note - Assigning points is the way of saying thanks in SDN.

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