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SDN Homepage load time

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Hi SDN Team,

what have you done to the SDN Homepage? Since today i couldn't get my coffee during the page is loaded ;-). Great enhancement.



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Hi Anton,

in general I totally agree with you, but as you might now the SAP Portal (and other application) are based on a user specific role concept and therefore also allow SSO access. Users having an SSO certificate to access the SAP Service Marketplace can use the same to access SDN without typing in USER/PW. For SSO you need SSL:-(. Always the discussion functionalty against performance. For the external service the main pain point are locations far away from Germany (especially APA) where network RTT plays a tremendous role. This is where the exertl service brings a great benefit.


Active Contributor
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Hi Marc,

We've opened our Enterprise Portal to collaborate and share knowledge with our Suppliers. But we need to accelerate browsing our portal much faster as they are comparing our speed with news portals.

How can this be done?

Is it really helps to use ezternal services like NETLI?

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SDN is external and therefore very helpful. I'm doing the implementation here at SAP.



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what I meant to say was that I am pretty much sure that SDN has no networking load problem (okay the pages are a little bit larger than they need to be but that doesn't matter) and therefore it needs no networking optimization. SDN has an application and much more an app design problem. Just get rid of SSL encryption of tons of documents more or less publicly available anyway and you'll see a burst of a performance improvement. IMHO it's really a misconception to run a whole page over SSL which is open to a large audience.

just my 2 cents,


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I am one of many people working as part of the platform team of SDN.

I, and most of the platform team, would love to remove SSL from the majority of SDN, and only have it where necessary. However, I believe it is SAP's policy that any documents that are externally available are encrypted with SSL. Bear in mind that there are people, like myself, who have more documents returned based on the roles that we have assigned. Therefore, if the documents were returned over non-SSL, they could easily be sniffed, and confidential information could be accessed.

I believe most of us have had this conversation before now, and I am afraid that we will have to live with this.

As for using an external accelerator, I don't believe that this is because the pages are slow over the network, however, we monitor page times from various locations around the world, and page loading times are definately a lot slower in other countries. This is the main reason for using the accelerator, and it certainly has made a difference. The home page used to load in around 6 seconds in Asia, for instance. Now, I believe, this is down to a couple of seconds.

Also, we are in the process of migrating to NW04, where the page sizes will be a lot lot smaller than they are now. Most of you who have worked with SP2 have realised that there are numerous scripts and stylesheets that are included by the page builder. In SP2 we have no real method, without re-developing the page builder, or removing these scripts, and they bump the page sizes up to around 690KB.

Thanks to the resource sensitive page builder in NW04 (the light portal functionality) we are able to cut these pages down to approx 100-200KB. This should help with the speed that the pages load.

I hope this clears up some details for you



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HW SSL accelerator from vendors like Chrysalis-IT and nCipher can do a lot when it comes to SSL performance. They are supported by major certificate providers.



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Hi Darrell,

thank you for the update.



Former Member
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Hi there,

SDN now also is evaluation phase using an external internet acceleration service called Netli. Have a look at



Former Member
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imho there's absolutely no need for an external 'internet acceleration' service and therefore <b>no need to advertise here</b>.

an internal application acceleraton service is needeed.

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
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Gregor, I noticed the same. It is much faster.


Rich Heilman

Active Contributor
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Hi SDNers,

This is great to hear. Our platform team is working really hard on some improvements and within the next two to three weeks there will be more, or so we hope.

Hurray, Mark.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Mark,

can one of the platform team reply to this topic so I can award him 10 points :-).

