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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

I have two methods method1 and method2 in a single view.

i want to call method1 in using code wizard i could able to call method1.

the method1 is showing a parameter wdevent. What should i pass in this? what is the functionality of this. Please let me know.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Your method one is a event?

if that is case then you you have to decalre a variable of this cl_wd_custom_event type and pass.

The event methods have this parameters as default.

Best regards,


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Swapna,

{quotethe method1 is showing a parameter wdevent. What should i pass in this? what is the functionality of this{quote}.

This means that method1 is actually an EVENT HANDLER method, if you go to the ACTION tab should

see that on some ACTION this method gets called. Action <---> EVENT HANDLER

i want to call method1 in method2

ideally u should not be calling the EVENT HANDLER methods within another method, its bad design.

Method for reuse must be written in component controller, for use across views. However you can use dummy EVENT object and call the method1 from inside method2 as below

method method2.

DATA: lo_dummy type ref to cl_wd_custom_event.

  create object lo_dummy.
  method1( lo_dummy ) .   
end method.

check below thread on details




Former Member
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thanks to all

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Swapna,

You can try this method as well:

- Create an event in the component controller and check the inface check box.

- now go to your view and create a new method and in the event field of that method select the event which you created in the component controller. In this method write the code which is in your method 1.

- now go to method 2 and with the help of code wizard fire the event which you created. Press ctrl+ f7, select 'call method in used controller', select component controller and then select the event name.

- when this event is fired, the method associated with it will be called.

I hope it helps.



Active Participant
0 Kudos



WDEVENT is used to capture the UI element events that you have created on the View. For example, you have two buttons button1 and button2, and need to capture the event during run time, then the following works,

data l_button_name type string.

l_button_name = wdevent->get_string( name = 'ID' ).

case l_button_name.

when u2018button1u2019.

wd_comp_controller->go_to_button1( ).

when ' button2'.

wd_comp_controller-> go_to_button2( ).



S Rajkumar