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Dispatcher running but queue standstill

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear All,

in my production system, the dispatcher become yellow with message " running but queue standstill"

i try look up at dev_w0 file wp_halt three times. any one can help me with this situation?

the dev_w0 file as bellow. for your intention, it become normal/green by it self.


trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "46D"







B Tue Jan 20 14:48:52 2009

B create_con (con_name=R/3)

B Loading DB library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' ...

B Library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' loaded

B Version of 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' is '46D.00'

B New connection 0 created

M relno 4640

M patchlevel 0

M patchno 534

M intno 0

M pid 6280


M ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 0 6280) [dpxxdisp.c 911]

I MtxInit: -2 0 0

X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

X <ES> client 0 initializing ....

X Using implementation std

M <ES> Memory Reset enabled

X ES initialized.

M ThSysUsrCheck: clear T0

M calling db_connect ...

B find_con found the following connection for reuse:

B 0: name = R/3, concnt= 000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO

C Extended Fetch will be used

C Initializing shared procedure name cache (DBSP_BP3_MEM,2640040 bytes,20000 procs)

C procedure cache created/attached


C Tue Jan 20 14:48:57 2009

C Initializing shared TEMP procedure cache (DBSP_BP3_TSP,10560024 bytes,15000 procs)

C TEMP procedure cache created/attached

C Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface

C Connected to db server : [DBSP], dbname: BP3, dbuser: dbo

C Using dynamic link library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll'

C dbmssslib.dll patch info

C patchlevel 0

C patchno 528

C patchcomment MSSQL: Long DBCON Dbnames, batch insert correction (393213)

B Connection 0 opened

B Wp Hdl ConName ConCnt ConState TX PRM RCT Date Time

B 000 000 R/3 000000 ACTIVE NO YES NO 20090120 144852

M db_connect o.k.

I MtxInit: 0 0 0

X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

X <ES> client 0 initializing ....

X Using implementation std

X ES initialized.

B ***LOG BB0=> buffer TABL started with length 10000000 bytes [dbtbxbuf1636 3]

B ***LOG BB0=> buffer TABLP started with length 005120000 bytes [dbbfe 0964 ]

B Layout of object buffer shared memory:

B 0: 1 * 4 = 4

B 1: 1 * 256 = 256

B 2: 54 * 20 = 1080

B 3: 20011 * 40 = 800440

B 4: 10000 * 128 = 1280000

B 5: 20011 * 4 = 80044

B 6: 1 * 100 = 100

B 7: 65 * 4 = 260

B 8: 143107 * 128 = 18317696

B ***LOG BB0=> buffer EIBUF started with length 20000k bytes [dbexpbuf1870 ]

B Layout of object buffer shared memory:

B 0: 1 * 4 = 4

B 1: 1 * 256 = 256

B 2: 54 * 20 = 1080

B 3: 5003 * 40 = 200120

B 4: 2500 * 128 = 320000

B 5: 5003 * 4 = 20012

B 6: 1 * 100 = 100

B 7: 193 * 4 = 772

B 8: 17881 * 256 = 4577536

B ***LOG BB0=> buffer CUA started with length 5000k bytes [dbexpbuf1870 ]

B db_con_shm_ini: WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 54

B ***LOG BB0=> buffer CALE started with length 500000 bytes [dbcalbuf2166 ]

C The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider


B Tue Jan 20 14:48:58 2009

B dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [MSSQL:46D.00]):

B max_blocking_factor = 50, max_in_blocking_factor = 255,

B min_blocking_factor = 5, min_in_blocking_factor = 10,

B prefer_union_all = 1, prefer_union_for_select_all = 0,

B prefer_fix_blocking = 0, prefer_in_itab_opt = 0,

B convert AVG = 1, alias table FUPD = 0,

B escape_as_literal = 0, opt GE LE to BETWEEN = 0,

B select * = 0x0,

B use_hints = abap->1, dbif->1, upto->0, rule_in->0,

B rule_fae->0, concat_fae->0, concat_fae_or->0

M PfReadDBVersion: use compatibility mode for stat-files

M PfInitShm: use compatibility mode for stat-files

M SsfSapSecin: automatic application server initialization for SAPSECULIB

M SsfSapSecin: Looking for PSE in database

M SsfPseLoad: started...(path=Y:\usr\sap\BP3\DVEBMGS03\sec, AS=appsp1, instanceid=03)

M SsfPseLoad: Downloading file Y:\usr\sap\BP3\DVEBMGS03\sec\SAPSYS.pse (client: , key: SYSPSE, len: 1579)

M SsfPseLoad: ended (1 of 1 sucessfully loaded, 1 checked...

M rdisp/reinitialize_code_page -> 0


S Tue Jan 20 14:48:59 2009

S *** init spool environment

S initialize debug system

T Stack direction is downwards.

T debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace

T new memory block 06F9CA80

S spool kernel/ddic check: Ok

S using table TSP02FX for frontend printing

S 6 spool work process(es) found

S frontend print via spool service enabled

S printer list size is 150

S printer type list size is 50

S queue size (profile) = 300

S hostspool list size = 3000

S option list size is 30

S found processing queue enabled

S found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 0F3A0098

S doing lock recovery

S setting server cache root

S found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 0F3A0CA0

S using messages for server info


A -PXA--


A Attached to PXA (address 2F930040, size 310213K)


A -PXA--


A RFC Destination> destination appsp1_BP3_03 host appsp1 system BP3 systnr 3 (appsp1_BP3_03)

A RFC Options> H=appsp1,S=03

A RFC Method> initialize RemObjDriver for ABAP Objects

M SsfSapSecin: putenv(SECUDIR=Y:\usr\sap\BP3\DVEBMGS03\sec): ok


M Tue Jan 20 14:49:00 2009

M SsfSapSecin: PSE Y:\usr\sap\BP3\DVEBMGS03\sec\SAPSYS.pse found!


M =================================================


M ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .

M ===...SSF trace level is 0 .

M ===...SSF library is Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\sapsecu.dll .

M ===...SSF hash algorithm is SHA1 .

M ===...SSF symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .

M ===...sucessfully completed.

M =================================================


E Tue Jan 20 14:49:12 2009

E Replication is disabled


S Tue Jan 20 14:49:13 2009

S found spool memory service RSPO-ACTIONS at 0F3A4EE8


B Tue Jan 20 14:50:36 2009

B ***LOG BB8=> buffer overflow when loading table AGR_TIME [dbtbxbuf2135 ]

B Overflow for table AGR_TIME in buffer 0


B Tue Jan 20 14:50:38 2009

B ***LOG BB8=> buffer overflow when loading table TOJTB [dbtbxbuf2135 ]

B Overflow for table TOJTB in buffer 0


S Tue Jan 20 14:51:05 2009

S handle memory type is RSTSPRIMEM


B Tue Jan 20 14:51:51 2009

B ***LOG BB8=> buffer overflow when loading table TSTCA [dbtbxbuf2373 ]

B Overflow for table TSTCA in buffer 0


B Tue Jan 20 14:54:28 2009

B ***LOG BB8=> buffer overflow when loading table TSTC [dbtbxbuf2135 ]

B Overflow for table TSTC in buffer 0


M Tue Jan 20 14:54:32 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 14:54:50 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 14:54:53 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


D Tue Jan 20 14:55:29 2009

D *** ERROR => DiagiBsDupSearch1 : wrong column offset [diaginp.c 2591]

D *** ERROR => Platform : WINDDOWS/NT [diagsrv.c 733]

D *** ERROR => transaction -> PA30 [diagsrv.c 755]

D *** ERROR => User: BRIS01949656 [diagsrv.c 769]

D *** ERROR => Display: sap-sidikalang [diagsrv.c 774]


M Tue Jan 20 15:04:57 2009

M ***LOG R68=> ThIRollBack, roll back () [thxxhead.c 10125]

A Tue Jan 20 15:04:57 2009


A Source LOLEAU02 Line 27.


A Module $Id: //bas/46D/src/krn/runt/abfunc.c#4 $ SAP.

A Function ab_jfune Line 1361.

A Exception condition "CNTL_ERROR" raised..



B Tue Jan 20 15:05:10 2009

B table logging switched on for client '300'


M Tue Jan 20 15:05:15 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


D Tue Jan 20 15:05:20 2009

D *** ERROR => DiagiBsDupSearch1 : wrong column offset [diaginp.c 2591]

D *** ERROR => Platform : WINDDOWS/NT [diagsrv.c 733]

D *** ERROR => transaction -> ZRPY [diagsrv.c 755]

D *** ERROR => User: KASIE_SENG [diagsrv.c 769]

D *** ERROR => Display: 33m1d1s [diagsrv.c 774]


M Tue Jan 20 15:09:52 2009

M ThResetMemStates: reset rolled in roll mem state

M ThResetMemStates: detach em memory

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode 18


M Tue Jan 20 15:12:44 2009

M ***LOG R0K=> ThDelForMode, ExitMode (001BRIS04039656) [thxxmode.c 3525]


M Tue Jan 20 15:12:58 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 15:13:01 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


B Tue Jan 20 15:13:22 2009

B ***LOG BB8=> buffer overflow when loading table UST04 [dbtbxbuf2135 ]

B Overflow for table UST04 in buffer 0


M Tue Jan 20 15:14:42 2009

M ***LOG US3=> BRIS06879661 [sign.c 600]


M Tue Jan 20 15:22:55 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 15:27:55 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 15:28:08 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


X Tue Jan 20 15:31:08 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

S *** ERROR => no more memory for open spool handle [rspoooh.c 265]

S *** ERROR => cannot allocate spec char list cache entry [rspoooh.c 854]

S *** ERROR => cannot get a valid LSC [rspoooh.c 933]

M ***LOG R68=> ThIRollBack, roll back () [thxxhead.c 10125]

A Tue Jan 20 15:31:08 2009

A ABAP/4 Program ZRPY02 .

A Source ZRPY02 Line 0.


A Module $Id: //bas/46D/src/krn/runt/abprint.c#22 $ SAP.

A Function spool_init (lsc lookup) Line 2759.

A Desired conversion not possible..



M Tue Jan 20 15:31:24 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 15:31:28 2009

M call semaphore clean-up function ...

M ***LOG Q0E=> DpSigGenHandler, Exception (c0000005) [dpnttool.c 380]

M -


SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0

Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.


Application exception occurred:

Exception : c0000005 (Access Violation)

App : disp+work.EXE (pid=6280)

When : 1/20/2009 15:31:28.984

Threads : 2


Comuter Name : APPSP1

User Name : SAPServiceBP3


Number of Processors: 8

Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 6

Windows Version: 5.0 Current Build: 2195


State Dump for Thread Id 1780

eax=0ef2e098 ebx=00000000 ecx=0effd1a0 edx=00000000 esi=77f94086 edi=000004e4

eip=77f94091 esp=01d4ea60 ebp=01d4ea84 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246

function : rstsc_close

00a0f84e e857450000 call rstssgs__set_global_state (00a13daa)

00a0f853 8b5d0c mov ebx,[ebp+0xc] ss:11c8da7e=20202020

00a0f856 3bdf cmp ebx,edi

00a0f858 59 pop ecx

00a0f859 59 pop ecx

00a0f85a 0f847b040000 je rstsc_close+0x4dc (00a0fcdb)

00a0f860 8b33 mov esi,[ebx] ds:00000000=????????

00a0f862 3bf7 cmp esi,edi

00a0f864 8975ec mov [ebp+0xec],esi ss:11c8da7e=20202020

00a0f867 0f846e040000 je rstsc_close+0x4dc (00a0fcdb)

FAULT-> 00a0f86d 8b06 mov eax,[esi] ds:77f94086=0000eab8

00a0f86f 3d204f444f cmp eax,0x4f444f20

00a0f874 7443 jz rstsc_close+0xba (00a0f8b9)

00a0f876 50 push eax

00a0f877 8d45cc lea eax,[ebp+0xcc] ss:11c8da7e=20202020

00a0f87a 6894993001 push 0x1309994

00a0f87f 50 push eax

00a0f880 ff1564a5c200 ds:00c2a564=780238ae

call dword ptr [_imp__sprintf (00c2a564)]

00a0f886 57 push edi

00a0f887 57 push edi

00a0f888 57 push edi

00a0f889 6a08 push 0x8

--> Stack Back Trace <--

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name

01d4f1d4 00939a22 00000000 67cf626c ffffffff 00000002 disp+work!rstsc_close

01d4f204 0093a286 02bcb070 ffffffff 00e66d98 00000000 disp+work!SpOOHBeforeRollback

01d4f224 00456e6b 00000002 01d4f254 0148255c 780238ae disp+work!SpInitOOHHooks

01d4f240 0044208d 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000002 disp+work!ThCallHooks

01d4f254 0090d5d4 00000000 00000001 780238ae 00000000 disp+work!ThCheckComOrRb

01d4f278 0090cd1d 00000000 004422e1 ffffffff 490cc1aa disp+work!db_init

01d4f280 004422e1 ffffffff 490cc1aa 490cbfd8 01d4f390 disp+work!db_rollback

01d4f298 004420b1 00000001 00000000 490cc1aa 490cbfd8 disp+work!ThIRollBack

01d4f2b0 004cbe23 490cc1aa 490cbfd8 000000c8 00000000 disp+work!ThRBWork

490cc1aa 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 20202020 disp+work!dyGetDataR

20204e2f 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 <nosymbols>


State Dump for Thread Id 1588

eax=033efcbc ebx=00000103 ecx=00000012 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=00000000

eip=77f87131 esp=033efc70 ebp=033efcb0 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00000246

function : ZwFsControlFile

77f87126 b848000000 mov eax,0x48

77f8712b 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:1332ec6b=20202020

77f8712f cd2e int 2e

77f87131 c22800 ret 0x28

--> Stack Back Trace <--

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name

033efcb0 00ba98a4 00000224 00000000 00000244 01f15740 ntdll!ZwFsControlFile

033eff7c 780085bc 00000000 00000244 01d4fd68 01f15740 disp+work!SigILastSig

033effb4 7c4e987c 01f15740 00000244 01d4fd68 01f15740 MSVCRT!endthreadex

033effec 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!SetThreadExecutionState


M -


M Tue Jan 20 15:31:29 2009

M call clean-up function ...

M ThSigHandler: signal (step 4, th_errno 11, action 4)


M Info for wp 0


M stat = 4

M reqtype = 1

M act_reqtype = 1

M tid = 160

M mode = 0

M len = 293

M rq_id = 8479

M rq_source = 1

M last_tid = 160

M last_mode = 0

M rfc_req = 0

M report = > <

M action = 0

M tab_name = > <


M Modeinfo for User T160/M0


M tm state = 2

M uid = 230

M term type = 0x4

M display = 0x8

M cpic_no = 0

M cpic_idx = -1

M usr = >PTG_RTG_API2<

M terminal = >WAHYUSUSETYO <

M client = >300<

M conversation_ID = > <

M appc_tm_conv_idx = -1

M imode = 3

M mode state = 0x12

M th_errno = 11

M async_receives = 0

M cpic_receive = 0

M em handle = 124

M roll state = 4

M abap state = 4

M em state = 3

M eg state = 1

M spa state = 3

M enq state = 0

M next hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M master hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M debug_tid = -1

M mode type = 0x1

M debug = 0

M tcode = >ZSLIP <

M client conversation_ID = > <

M server conversation_ID = > <

M lock = 0

M max enq infos = 0

M act enq infos = 0

M em_hyper_hdl = 67CF36A0


M Adresse Offset Data from input buffer

M -

M 03F57D70 000000 00000000 00000000 01500c00 00000000 |.........P......|

M 03F57D80 000016 00000000 00000000 00100409 00033436 |..............46|

M 03F57D90 000032 4410040f 00040000 03a90900 0b000000 |D...............|

M 03F57DA0 000048 00141970 5a137107 6600005a 00020171 |...pZ.q.f..Z...q|

M 03F57DB0 000064 13100c07 00100000 00120000 006e0000 |.............n..|

M 03F57DC0 000080 00130000 00711100 0000c93c 3f786d6c |.....q.....<?xml|

M 03F57DD0 000096 20766572 73696f6e 3d22312e 30222065 | version="1.0" e|

M 03F57DE0 000112 6e636f64 696e673d 22736170 2a223f3e |ncoding="sap*"?>|

M 03F57DF0 000128 203c4441 54414d41 4e414745 523e2020 | <DATAMANAGER> |

M 03F57E00 000144 3c434f50 59206964 3d22636f 7079223e |<COPY id="copy">|

M 03F57E10 000160 2020203c 47554920 69643d22 67756922 | <GUI id="gui"|

M 03F57E20 000176 3e202020 203c4d45 54524943 53206964 |> <METRICS id|

M 03F57E30 000192 3d226d65 74726963 73222059 30203d22 |="metrics" Y0 ="|

M 03F57E40 000208 33373722 20593120 3d223134 22205830 |377" Y1 ="14" X0|

M 03F57E50 000224 203d2233 37372220 5932203d 22323122 | ="377" Y2 ="21"|

M 03F57E60 000240 20583120 3d223722 20583220 3d223722 | X1 ="7" X2 ="7"|

M 03F57E70 000256 2f3e2020 203c2f47 55493e20 203c2f43 |/> </GUI> </C|

M 03F57E80 000272 4f50593e 203c2f44 4154414d 414e4147 |OPY> </DATAMANAG|

M 03F57E90 000288 45523e20 0c |ER> . |

M -


M *****************************************************************************

M *

M * LOCATION SAP-Server appsp1_BP3_03 on host appsp1 (wp 0)

M * ERROR ThSigHandler: signal

M *

M * TIME Tue Jan 20 15:31:29 2009


M * COMPONENT Taskhandler


M * RC 11

M * MODULE thxxhead.c

M * LINE 7831


M *

M *****************************************************************************



A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STANDARD failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_MEMO_CHECK failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_STATUS failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_DYNPRO failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_RFCERROR failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_PROGRAMS failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_EVENTS failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_CODE failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_DATA_ENV failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_WALIST failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_ITABS failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_CLOSE failed.

B Disconnecting from ALL connections:

B Wp Hdl ConName ConCnt ConState TX PRM RCT Date Time

B 000 000 R/3 000000 INACTIVE NO YES NO 20090120 144852

B Disconnected from connection 0

B statistics db_con_commit (com_total=6842, com_forced=833, com_tx=833)

B statistics db_con_rollback (roll_total=102, roll_forced=2, roll_tx=2)

M ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc 0 6280) [dpnttool.c 300]

M return from clean-up function ...


trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "46D"







B Tue Jan 20 15:35:12 2009

B create_con (con_name=R/3)

B Loading DB library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' ...

B Library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' loaded

B Version of 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' is '46D.00'

B New connection 0 created

M relno 4640

M patchlevel 0

M patchno 534

M intno 0

M pid 5840


M ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 0 5840) [dpxxdisp.c 911]

I MtxInit: -2 0 0

X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

X <ES> client 0 initializing ....

X Using implementation std

M <ES> Memory Reset enabled

X ES initialized.

M calling db_connect ...

B find_con found the following connection for reuse:

B 0: name = R/3, concnt= 000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO

C Extended Fetch will be used


C Tue Jan 20 15:35:13 2009

C Using shared procedure name cache (DBSP_BP3_MEM,2640040 bytes,20000 procs) initialized by another process

C Using shared TEMP procedure cache (DBSP_BP3_TSP,10560024 bytes,15000 procs) initialized by another process

C Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface

C Connected to db server : [DBSP], dbname: BP3, dbuser: dbo

C Using dynamic link library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll'

C dbmssslib.dll patch info

C patchlevel 0

C patchno 528

C patchcomment MSSQL: Long DBCON Dbnames, batch insert correction (393213)

B Connection 0 opened

B Wp Hdl ConName ConCnt ConState TX PRM RCT Date Time

B 000 000 R/3 000000 ACTIVE NO YES NO 20090120 153512

M db_connect o.k.

I MtxInit: 0 0 0

X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

X <ES> client 0 initializing ....

X Using implementation std

X ES initialized.

B db_con_shm_ini: WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 54

M rdisp/reinitialize_code_page -> 0

M PfReadDBVersion: use compatibility mode for stat-files

S *** init spool environment

S initialize debug system

T Stack direction is downwards.

T debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace

T new memory block 06F81160

S spool kernel/ddic check: Ok

S using table TSP02FX for frontend printing

S 6 spool work process(es) found

S frontend print via spool service enabled

S printer list size is 150

S printer type list size is 50

S queue size (profile) = 300

S hostspool list size = 3000

S option list size is 30

S found processing queue enabled

S found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 0F2A0098

S doing lock recovery

S setting server cache root

S found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 0F2A0CA0

S using messages for server info


A -PXA--


A Attached to PXA (address 2F930040, size 310213K)


A -PXA--


A RFC Destination> destination appsp1_BP3_03 host appsp1 system BP3 systnr 3 (appsp1_BP3_03)

A RFC Options> H=appsp1,S=03

A RFC Method> initialize RemObjDriver for ABAP Objects

M SsfSapSecin: putenv(SECUDIR=Y:\usr\sap\BP3\DVEBMGS03\sec): ok


M =================================================


M ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .

M ===...SSF trace level is 0 .

M ===...SSF library is Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\sapsecu.dll .

M ===...SSF hash algorithm is SHA1 .

M ===...SSF symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .

M ===...sucessfully completed.

M =================================================

M ThCheckPrevUser: clean previous user T160/U230/M0


B Tue Jan 20 15:35:15 2009

B dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [MSSQL:46D.00]):

B max_blocking_factor = 50, max_in_blocking_factor = 255,

B min_blocking_factor = 5, min_in_blocking_factor = 10,

B prefer_union_all = 1, prefer_union_for_select_all = 0,

B prefer_fix_blocking = 0, prefer_in_itab_opt = 0,

B convert AVG = 1, alias table FUPD = 0,

B escape_as_literal = 0, opt GE LE to BETWEEN = 0,

B select * = 0x0,

B use_hints = abap->1, dbif->1, upto->0, rule_in->0,

B rule_fae->0, concat_fae->0, concat_fae_or->0

C The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider


E Tue Jan 20 15:35:19 2009

E Replication is disabled


M Tue Jan 20 15:35:27 2009

M ***LOG R0K=> ThDelForMode, ExitMode (001KASIE_SEWU ) [thxxmode.c 3525]


S Tue Jan 20 15:36:10 2009

S handle memory type is RSTSPRIMEM


M Tue Jan 20 15:37:29 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 15:37:38 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 15:37:44 2009

M ***LOG R47=> ThResFree, delete (001020) [thxxmode.c 1049]


S Tue Jan 20 15:39:58 2009

S found spool memory service RSPO-ACTIONS at 0F2A4EE8


X Tue Jan 20 15:40:01 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]


B Tue Jan 20 15:40:21 2009

B table logging switched on for client '300'


X Tue Jan 20 15:41:10 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(524288) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfRollOut, PfAllocRoll (statrec) [pfxxstat.c 7187]


X Tue Jan 20 15:41:36 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfRollOut, PfAllocRoll (statrec) [pfxxstat.c 7187]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfRollOut, PfAllocRoll (statrec) [pfxxstat.c 7187]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]


X Tue Jan 20 15:41:37 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]


M Tue Jan 20 15:41:38 2009

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfRollOut, PfAllocRoll (statrec) [pfxxstat.c 7187]


X Tue Jan 20 15:41:52 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfRollOut, PfAllocRoll (statrec) [pfxxstat.c 7187]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfRollOut, PfAllocRoll (statrec) [pfxxstat.c 7187]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]


X Tue Jan 20 15:42:03 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(524288) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfRollOut, PfAllocRoll (statrec) [pfxxstat.c 7187]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(524288) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(524288) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]


X Tue Jan 20 15:42:04 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(524288) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(524288) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]


X Tue Jan 20 15:43:28 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfRollOut, PfAllocRoll (statrec) [pfxxstat.c 7187]


M Tue Jan 20 15:43:57 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


X Tue Jan 20 15:44:15 2009

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]

X *** ERROR => EmIAllocMmResourceEg: EgAlloc(1048576) failed 5 [emxx.c 2873]

M *** ERROR => PfAllocRoll: EmAlloc failed (7) [pfxxstat.c 6986]

M ***LOG R2B=> PfAllocSpaCtrl, PfAllocRoll (statctrl) [pfxxstat.c 6964]


M Tue Jan 20 15:45:48 2009

M ThResetMemStates: reset rolled in roll mem state

M call semaphore clean-up function ...

M ***LOG Q0E=> DpSigGenHandler, Exception (c0000005) [dpnttool.c 380]

M -


SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0

Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.


Application exception occurred:

Exception : c0000005 (Access Violation)

App : disp+work.EXE (pid=5840)

When : 1/20/2009 15:45:48.750

Threads : 2


Comuter Name : APPSP1

User Name : SAPServiceBP3


Number of Processors: 8

Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 6

Windows Version: 5.0 Current Build: 2195


State Dump for Thread Id 6b4

eax=01d4f5a4 ebx=00000000 ecx=01010101 edx=00000000 esi=77f94086 edi=00000748

eip=77f94091 esp=01d4f574 ebp=01d4f598 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246

function : rstsc_close

00a0f84e e857450000 call rstssgs__set_global_state (00a13daa)

00a0f853 8b5d0c mov ebx,[ebp+0xc] ss:1ca3e592=00000000

00a0f856 3bdf cmp ebx,edi

00a0f858 59 pop ecx

00a0f859 59 pop ecx

00a0f85a 0f847b040000 je rstsc_close+0x4dc (00a0fcdb)

00a0f860 8b33 mov esi,[ebx] ds:00000000=????????

00a0f862 3bf7 cmp esi,edi

00a0f864 8975ec mov [ebp+0xec],esi ss:1ca3e592=00000000

00a0f867 0f846e040000 je rstsc_close+0x4dc (00a0fcdb)

FAULT-> 00a0f86d 8b06 mov eax,[esi] ds:77f94086=0000eab8

00a0f86f 3d204f444f cmp eax,0x4f444f20

00a0f874 7443 jz rstsc_close+0xba (00a0f8b9)

00a0f876 50 push eax

00a0f877 8d45cc lea eax,[ebp+0xcc] ss:1ca3e592=00000000

00a0f87a 6894993001 push 0x1309994

00a0f87f 50 push eax

00a0f880 ff1564a5c200 ds:00c2a564=780238ae

call dword ptr [_imp__sprintf (00c2a564)]

00a0f886 57 push edi

00a0f887 57 push edi

00a0f888 57 push edi

00a0f889 6a08 push 0x8

--> Stack Back Trace <--

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name

01d4fce8 00939a22 00000000 679d8484 ffffffff 00000002 disp+work!rstsc_close

01d4fd18 0093a286 02bcb070 ffffffff 00e66d98 00000000 disp+work!SpOOHBeforeRollback

01d4fd38 00456e6b 00000002 01d4fd68 0148255c 780238ae disp+work!SpInitOOHHooks

01d4fd54 0044208d 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000002 disp+work!ThCallHooks

01d4fd68 0090d5d4 00000000 00000001 780238ae 00000000 disp+work!ThCheckComOrRb

01d4fd8c 0090cd1d 00000000 004422e1 ffffffff 00000005 disp+work!db_init

01d4fd94 004422e1 ffffffff 00000005 00000000 00c8d6bc disp+work!db_rollback

01d4fdac 004781c5 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000002 disp+work!ThIRollBack

01d4fdd8 0047a5f4 01d4fe03 00000003 00000000 00000001 disp+work!ThResFree

01d4fe0c 0047a1bf 00000000 00000001 03f9e420 0043904e disp+work!ThIUsrDel

01d4fe1c 0043904e 00000000 00000001 000003e8 00000bb8 disp+work!ThUsrDel

01d4fe94 004348f7 03f50001 03f9e420 01d4fedc 7800bd6a disp+work!ThClearNextFields

000003e8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 disp+work!TskhLoop


State Dump for Thread Id 10d8

eax=033efcbc ebx=00000103 ecx=00000012 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=00000000

eip=77f87131 esp=033efc70 ebp=033efcb0 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00000246

function : ZwFsControlFile

77f87126 b848000000 mov eax,0x48

77f8712b 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:1e0dec6b=????????

77f8712f cd2e int 2e

77f87131 c22800 ret 0x28

--> Stack Back Trace <--

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name

033efcb0 00ba98a4 00000a4c 00000000 00000a64 01f15740 ntdll!ZwFsControlFile

033eff7c 780085bc 00000000 00000a64 01d4fd68 01f15740 disp+work!SigILastSig

033effb4 7c4e987c 01f15740 00000a64 01d4fd68 01f15740 MSVCRT!endthreadex

033effec 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!SetThreadExecutionState


M -

M call clean-up function ...

M ThSigHandler: signal (step 4, th_errno 11, action 4)


M Info for wp 0


M stat = 4

M reqtype = 1

M act_reqtype = -1

M tid = 104

M mode = 0

M len = -1

M rq_id = 4237

M rq_source = 1

M last_tid = 104

M last_mode = 0

M rfc_req = 0

M report = > <

M action = 0

M tab_name = > <


M Modeinfo for User T104/M0


M tm state = 4

M uid = 112

M term type = 0x4

M display = 0x8

M cpic_no = 0

M cpic_idx = -1

M usr = >BRIS02619656<

M terminal = >bri-cfrftkf1a75 <

M client = >300<

M conversation_ID = > <

M appc_tm_conv_idx = -1

M imode = 3

M mode state = 0x92

M th_errno = 11

M async_receives = 0

M cpic_receive = 0

M em handle = 62

M roll state = 4

M abap state = 3

M em state = 3

M eg state = 1

M spa state = 1

M enq state = 0

M next hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M master hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M debug_tid = -1

M mode type = 0x1

M debug = 0

M tcode = >ZSLIP <

M client conversation_ID = > <

M server conversation_ID = > <

M lock = 0

M max enq infos = 0

M act enq infos = 0

M em_hyper_hdl = 679D5FC0



M *****************************************************************************

M *

M * LOCATION SAP-Server appsp1_BP3_03 on host appsp1 (wp 0)

M * ERROR ThSigHandler: signal

M *

M * TIME Tue Jan 20 15:45:48 2009


M Tue Jan 20 15:45:49 2009


M * COMPONENT Taskhandler


M * RC 11

M * MODULE thxxhead.c

M * LINE 7831


M *

M *****************************************************************************



A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STANDARD failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_MEMO_CHECK failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_STATUS failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_PROGRAMS failed.


A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_EVENTS failed.

B Disconnecting from ALL connections:

B Wp Hdl ConName ConCnt ConState TX PRM RCT Date Time

B 000 000 R/3 000000 ACTIVE YES YES NO 20090120 153512

B Disconnected from connection 0

B statistics db_con_commit (com_total=1966, com_forced=211, com_tx=211)

B statistics db_con_rollback (roll_total=21, roll_forced=0, roll_tx=0)

M ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc 0 5840) [dpnttool.c 300]

M return from clean-up function ...


trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "46D"







B Tue Jan 20 15:51:52 2009

B create_con (con_name=R/3)

B Loading DB library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' ...

B Library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' loaded

B Version of 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' is '46D.00'

B New connection 0 created

M relno 4640

M patchlevel 0

M patchno 534

M intno 0

M pid 6728


M ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 0 6728) [dpxxdisp.c 911]

I MtxInit: -2 0 0

X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

X <ES> client 0 initializing ....

X Using implementation std

M <ES> Memory Reset enabled

X ES initialized.

M calling db_connect ...

B find_con found the following connection for reuse:

B 0: name = R/3, concnt= 000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO

C Extended Fetch will be used


C Tue Jan 20 15:51:53 2009

C Using shared procedure name cache (DBSP_BP3_MEM,2640040 bytes,20000 procs) initialized by another process

C Using shared TEMP procedure cache (DBSP_BP3_TSP,10560024 bytes,15000 procs) initialized by another process

C Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface

C Connected to db server : [DBSP], dbname: BP3, dbuser: dbo

C Using dynamic link library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll'

C dbmssslib.dll patch info

C patchlevel 0

C patchno 528

C patchcomment MSSQL: Long DBCON Dbnames, batch insert correction (393213)

B Connection 0 opened

B Wp Hdl ConName ConCnt ConState TX PRM RCT Date Time

B 000 000 R/3 000000 ACTIVE NO YES NO 20090120 155152

M db_connect o.k.

I MtxInit: 0 0 0

X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

X <ES> client 0 initializing ....

X Using implementation std

X ES initialized.

B db_con_shm_ini: WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 54

M rdisp/reinitialize_code_page -> 0

M PfReadDBVersion: use compatibility mode for stat-files

S *** init spool environment

S initialize debug system

T Stack direction is downwards.

T debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace

T new memory block 06F81160

S spool kernel/ddic check: Ok

S using table TSP02FX for frontend printing

S 6 spool work process(es) found

S frontend print via spool service enabled

S printer list size is 150

S printer type list size is 50

S queue size (profile) = 300

S hostspool list size = 3000

S option list size is 30


S Tue Jan 20 15:51:54 2009

S found processing queue enabled

S found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 0F2A0098

S doing lock recovery

S setting server cache root

S found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 0F2A0CA0

S using messages for server info


A -PXA--


A Attached to PXA (address 2F930040, size 310213K)


A -PXA--


A RFC Destination> destination appsp1_BP3_03 host appsp1 system BP3 systnr 3 (appsp1_BP3_03)

A RFC Options> H=appsp1,S=03

A RFC Method> initialize RemObjDriver for ABAP Objects

M SsfSapSecin: putenv(SECUDIR=Y:\usr\sap\BP3\DVEBMGS03\sec): ok


M =================================================


M ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .

M ===...SSF trace level is 0 .

M ===...SSF library is Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\sapsecu.dll .

M ===...SSF hash algorithm is SHA1 .

M ===...SSF symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .

M ===...sucessfully completed.

M =================================================

M ThCheckPrevUser: clean previous user T104/U112/M0


M Modeinfo for User T104/M0


M tm state = 4

M uid = 112

M term type = 0x4

M display = 0x8

M cpic_no = 0

M cpic_idx = -1

M usr = >BRIS02619656<

M terminal = >bri-cfrftkf1a75 <

M client = >300<

M conversation_ID = > <

M appc_tm_conv_idx = -1

M imode = 3

M mode state = 0x92

M th_errno = 11

M async_receives = 0

M cpic_receive = 0

M em handle = 62

M roll state = 4

M abap state = 3

M em state = 2

M eg state = 1

M spa state = 1

M enq state = 0

M next hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M master hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M debug_tid = -1

M mode type = 0x1

M debug = 0

M tcode = >ZSLIP <

M client conversation_ID = > <

M server conversation_ID = > <

M lock = 0

M max enq infos = 0

M act enq infos = 0

M em_hyper_hdl = 679D5FC0


M ThResetMemStates: reset rolled in roll mem state

C The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider

M call semaphore clean-up function ...

M ***LOG Q0E=> DpSigGenHandler, Exception (c0000005) [dpnttool.c 380]

M -


SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0

Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.


Application exception occurred:

Exception : c0000005 (Access Violation)

App : disp+work.EXE (pid=6728)

When : 1/20/2009 15:51:55.0

Threads : 2


Comuter Name : APPSP1

User Name : SAPServiceBP3


Number of Processors: 8

Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 6

Windows Version: 5.0 Current Build: 2195


State Dump for Thread Id 1a10

eax=01d4f57c ebx=00000000 ecx=01010101 edx=00000000 esi=77f94086 edi=000007e4

eip=77f94091 esp=01d4f54c ebp=01d4f570 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246

function : rstsc_close

00a0f84e e857450000 call rstssgs__set_global_state (00a13daa)

00a0f853 8b5d0c mov ebx,[ebp+0xc] ss:11a9e56a=20202020

00a0f856 3bdf cmp ebx,edi

00a0f858 59 pop ecx

00a0f859 59 pop ecx

00a0f85a 0f847b040000 je rstsc_close+0x4dc (00a0fcdb)

00a0f860 8b33 mov esi,[ebx] ds:00000000=????????

00a0f862 3bf7 cmp esi,edi

00a0f864 8975ec mov [ebp+0xec],esi ss:11a9e56a=20202020

00a0f867 0f846e040000 je rstsc_close+0x4dc (00a0fcdb)

FAULT-> 00a0f86d 8b06 mov eax,[esi] ds:77f94086=0000eab8

00a0f86f 3d204f444f cmp eax,0x4f444f20

00a0f874 7443 jz rstsc_close+0xba (00a0f8b9)

00a0f876 50 push eax

00a0f877 8d45cc lea eax,[ebp+0xcc] ss:11a9e56a=20202020

00a0f87a 6894993001 push 0x1309994

00a0f87f 50 push eax

00a0f880 ff1564a5c200 ds:00c2a564=780238ae

call dword ptr [_imp__sprintf (00c2a564)]

00a0f886 57 push edi

00a0f887 57 push edi

00a0f888 57 push edi

00a0f889 6a08 push 0x8

--> Stack Back Trace <--

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name

01d4fcc0 00939a22 00000000 679d8484 ffffffff 00000002 disp+work!rstsc_close

01d4fcf0 0093a286 02bcb070 ffffffff 00e66d98 00000000 disp+work!SpOOHBeforeRollback

01d4fd10 00456e6b 00000002 01d4fd40 0148255c 780238ae disp+work!SpInitOOHHooks

01d4fd2c 0044208d 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000002 disp+work!ThCallHooks

01d4fd40 0090d5d4 00000000 00000001 780238ae 00000000 disp+work!ThCheckComOrRb

01d4fd64 0090cd1d 00000000 004422e1 ffffffff 00000005 disp+work!db_init

01d4fd6c 004422e1 ffffffff 00000005 00000000 00c8d6bc disp+work!db_rollback

01d4fd84 004781c5 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000002 disp+work!ThIRollBack

01d4fdb0 0047a5f4 00000003 00000003 00000017 00000001 disp+work!ThResFree

01d4fde4 0047a1bf 00000017 00000001 00000000 00479b55 disp+work!ThIUsrDel

01d4fdf4 00479b55 00000017 00000001 00000000 00050a40 disp+work!ThUsrDel

00000068 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 disp+work!ThIAMDel2


State Dump for Thread Id 1574

eax=00000000 ebx=00000103 ecx=7ffdbc00 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=00000000

eip=77f87131 esp=033efc70 ebp=033efcb0 iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc

cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 efl=00000246

function : ZwFsControlFile

77f87126 b848000000 mov eax,0x48

77f8712b 8d542404 lea edx,[esp+0x4] ss:1313ec6b=20202020

77f8712f cd2e int 2e

77f87131 c22800 ret 0x28

--> Stack Back Trace <--

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1 Param#2 Param#3 Param#4 Function Name

033efcb0 00ba98a4 00000a4c 00000000 00000a64 01f15740 ntdll!ZwFsControlFile

033eff7c 780085bc 00000000 00000a64 01d4fd68 01f15740 disp+work!SigILastSig

033effb4 7c4e987c 01f15740 00000a64 01d4fd68 01f15740 MSVCRT!endthreadex

033effec 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!SetThreadExecutionState


M -


M Tue Jan 20 15:51:55 2009

M call clean-up function ...

M ThSigHandler: signal (step 4, th_errno 11, action 4)


M Info for wp 0


M stat = 4

M reqtype = 1

M act_reqtype = -1

M tid = 104

M mode = 0

M len = -1

M rq_id = 4237

M rq_source = 1

M last_tid = 104

M last_mode = 0

M rfc_req = 0

M report = > <

M action = 0

M tab_name = > <


M Modeinfo for User T104/M0


M tm state = 4

M uid = 112

M term type = 0x4

M display = 0x8

M cpic_no = 0

M cpic_idx = -1

M usr = >BRIS02619656<

M terminal = >bri-cfrftkf1a75 <

M client = >300<

M conversation_ID = > <

M appc_tm_conv_idx = -1

M imode = 3

M mode state = 0x92

M th_errno = 11

M async_receives = 0

M cpic_receive = 0

M em handle = 62

M roll state = 4

M abap state = 3

M em state = 3

M eg state = 1

M spa state = 1

M enq state = 0

M next hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M master hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255

M debug_tid = -1

M mode type = 0x1

M debug = 0

M tcode = >ZSLIP <

M client conversation_ID = > <

M server conversation_ID = > <

M lock = 0

M max enq infos = 0

M act enq infos = 0

M em_hyper_hdl = 679D5FC0



M *****************************************************************************

M *

M * LOCATION SAP-Server appsp1_BP3_03 on host appsp1 (wp 0)

M * ERROR ThSigHandler: signal

M *

M * TIME Tue Jan 20 15:51:55 2009


M * COMPONENT Taskhandler


M * RC 11

M * MODULE thxxhead.c

M * LINE 7831


M *

M *****************************************************************************



A ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_EVENTS failed.

B Disconnecting from ALL connections:

B Wp Hdl ConName ConCnt ConState TX PRM RCT Date Time

B 000 000 R/3 000000 ACTIVE YES YES NO 20090120 155152

B Disconnected from connection 0


B Tue Jan 20 15:51:56 2009

B statistics db_con_commit (com_total=4, com_forced=0, com_tx=0)

B statistics db_con_rollback (roll_total=0, roll_forced=0, roll_tx=0)

M ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc 0 6728) [dpnttool.c 300]

M return from clean-up function ...


trc file: "dev_w0", trc level: 1, release: "46D"







B Tue Jan 20 16:21:55 2009

B create_con (con_name=R/3)

B Loading DB library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' ...

B Library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' loaded

B Version of 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' is '46D.00'

B New connection 0 created

M relno 4640

M patchlevel 0

M patchno 534

M intno 0

M pid 5120


M ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 0 5120) [dpxxdisp.c 911]

I MtxInit: -2 0 0

X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

X <ES> client 0 initializing ....

X Using implementation std

M <ES> Memory Reset enabled

X ES initialized.

M calling db_connect ...

B find_con found the following connection for reuse:

B 0: name = R/3, concnt= 000000 state = DISCONNECTED, perm = YES, reco = NO

C Extended Fetch will be used

C Using shared procedure name cache (DBSP_BP3_MEM,2640040 bytes,20000 procs) initialized by another process

C Using shared TEMP procedure cache (DBSP_BP3_TSP,10560024 bytes,15000 procs) initialized by another process

C Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface

C Connected to db server : [DBSP], dbname: BP3, dbuser: dbo

C Using dynamic link library 'Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll'

C dbmssslib.dll patch info

C patchlevel 0

C patchno 528

C patchcomment MSSQL: Long DBCON Dbnames, batch insert correction (393213)

B Connection 0 opened

B Wp Hdl ConName ConCnt ConState TX PRM RCT Date Time

B 000 000 R/3 000000 ACTIVE NO YES NO 20090120 162155

M db_connect o.k.


I Tue Jan 20 16:21:56 2009

I MtxInit: 0 0 0

X EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).

X <ES> client 0 initializing ....

X Using implementation std

X ES initialized.

B db_con_shm_ini: WP_ID = 0, WP_CNT = 54

M rdisp/reinitialize_code_page -> 0

M PfReadDBVersion: use compatibility mode for stat-files


S Tue Jan 20 16:21:57 2009

S *** init spool environment

S initialize debug system

T Stack direction is downwards.

T debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace

T new memory block 06F81160

S spool kernel/ddic check: Ok

S using table TSP02FX for frontend printing

S 6 spool work process(es) found

S frontend print via spool service enabled

S printer list size is 150

S printer type list size is 50

S queue size (profile) = 300

S hostspool list size = 3000

S option list size is 30

S found processing queue enabled

S found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 0F2A0098

S doing lock recovery

S setting server cache root

S found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 0F2A0CA0

S using messages for server info


A -PXA--


A Attached to PXA (address 2F930040, size 310213K)


A -PXA--


A RFC Destination> destination appsp1_BP3_03 host appsp1 system BP3 systnr 3 (appsp1_BP3_03)

A RFC Options> H=appsp1,S=03

A RFC Method> initialize RemObjDriver for ABAP Objects

M SsfSapSecin: putenv(SECUDIR=Y:\usr\sap\BP3\DVEBMGS03\sec): ok


M =================================================


M ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .

M ===...SSF trace level is 0 .

M ===...SSF library is Y:\usr\sap\BP3\SYS\exe\run\sapsecu.dll .

M ===...SSF hash algorithm is SHA1 .

M ===...SSF symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .

M ===...sucessfully completed.

M =================================================


B Tue Jan 20 16:21:59 2009

B dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [MSSQL:46D.00]):

B max_blocking_factor = 50, max_in_blocking_factor = 255,

B min_blocking_factor = 5, min_in_blocking_factor = 10,

B prefer_union_all = 1, prefer_union_for_select_all = 0,

B prefer_fix_blocking = 0, prefer_in_itab_opt = 0,

B convert AVG = 1, alias table FUPD = 0,

B escape_as_literal = 0, opt GE LE to BETWEEN = 0,

B select * = 0x0,

B use_hints = abap->1, dbif->1, upto->0, rule_in->0,

B rule_fae->0, concat_fae->0, concat_fae_or->0

C The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider


M Tue Jan 20 16:22:18 2009

M *** ERROR => ThCheckReqInfo: message send/receive failed [thxxhead.c 13425]

M ***LOG R04=> ThRqInCheck, not active (002) [thxxhead.c 8230]

M bad request

M *** ERROR => ThRqInCheck: bad request (step 2, th_errno 3, action 1, level 1) [thxxhead.c 7751]


M Info for wp 0


M stat = 4

M reqtype = 1

M act_reqtype = -1

M tid = -1

M mode = 255

M len = -1

M rq_id = 1212

M rq_source = 1

M last_tid = 178

M last_mode = 1

M rfc_req = 1

M report = > <

M action = 0

M tab_name = > <


M *****************************************************************************

M *

M * LOCATION SAP-Server appsp1_BP3_03 on host appsp1 (wp 0)

M * ERROR ThRqInCheck: bad request

M *

M * TIME Tue Jan 20 16:22:18 2009


M * COMPONENT Taskhandler


M * RC 3

M * MODULE thxxhead.c

M * LINE 7831


M *

M *****************************************************************************


M ***LOG R68=> ThIRollBack, roll back () [thxxhead.c 10125]


E Tue Jan 20 16:22:31 2009

E Replication is disabled


M Tue Jan 20 16:22:56 2009

M ***LOG R0K=> ThDelForMode, ExitMode (001BRIS01629656) [thxxmode.c 3525]


S Tue Jan 20 16:23:17 2009

S found spool memory service RSPO-ACTIONS at 0F2A4EE8


C Tue Jan 20 16:23:42 2009

C retry with SQL statement string

D *** ERROR => DiagiBsDupSearch1 : wrong column offset [diaginp.c 2591]


D Tue Jan 20 16:23:43 2009

D *** ERROR => Platform : WINDDOWS/NT [diagsrv.c 733]

D *** ERROR => transaction -> ZSLI [diagsrv.c 755]

D *** ERROR => User: KASIE_BKLN [diagsrv.c 769]

D *** ERROR => Display: sap-bangkalan [diagsrv.c 774]


M Tue Jan 20 16:24:04 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 16:24:05 2009

M ***LOG R0K=> ThDelForMode, ExitMode (001BRIS04039656) [thxxmode.c 3525]

M ***LOG R47=> ThResFree, delete (001020) [thxxmode.c 1049]


S Tue Jan 20 16:24:09 2009

S handle memory type is RSTSPRIMEM


M Tue Jan 20 16:24:21 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


M Tue Jan 20 16:24:31 2009

M *** WARNING => PfStatWrite: missing STAT_END for opcode STAT_READSEQ


C Tue Jan 20 16:26:22 2009

C retry with SQL statement string


M Tue Jan 20 16:28:18 2009

M ThResetMemStates: reset rolled in roll mem state

M ***LOG R2C=> ThRqInCheck, wrong TM-State (00214FREE) [thxxhead.c 8209]

M bad request

M *** ERROR => ThRqInCheck: bad request (step 2, th_errno 3, action 1, level 1) [thxxhead.c 7751]


M Info for wp 0


M stat = 4

M reqtype = 1

M act_reqtype = -1

M tid = -1

M mode = 255

M len = 8

M rq_id = 2923

M rq_source = 1

M last_tid = 214

M last_mode = 0

M rfc_req = 0

M report = > <

M action = 0

M tab_name = > <


M *****************************************************************************

M *

M * LOCATION SAP-Server appsp1_BP3_03 on host appsp1 (wp 0)

M * ERROR ThRqInCheck: bad request

M *

M * TIME Tue Jan 20 16:28:18 2009


M * COMPONENT Taskhandler


M * RC 3

M * MODULE thxxhead.c

M * LINE 7831


M *

M *****************************************************************************


M ***LOG R68=> ThIRollBack, roll back () [thxxhead.c 10125]

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

you kernel is very very old:

M relno 4640

M patchlevel 0

M patchno 534

update it with the latest 4.6D_EX2 kernel.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Eric

it is save to update the kernel, since we don't have maintenance wit SAP Vendor now. As long as i know it usually done by Vendor..

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

we can`t help you if you do not pay for maintenance.

how can you run a production system without any maintenance?

Answers (0)