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Preventing UD without results recording

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We are able to do force closing of the inspection lots without results recording by registering the UD directly. How to prevent this? i.e. we dont want to register UD for lots without result recording for all the characterisitics. With User status we cannot achieve this because if we register results for some characteristics also the system status will be updated.


Ravi Kumar C.

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi Ravi,

You can absolutely achieve it through the user status. Try making all the MICs as "Required" control indicator activated in the inspection plan.

If further Help required over it pls let me know.



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

The use of a user status is definitely possible for your requirement. By assigning the results recording as a required characteristic it will prompt whether you would like to do a forced inspection when you try do a usage decision without a result. However there is an authorisation object that allows you to do this forced inspection even when results are not captured, therefore you can take away this authorisation object (Q_INSP_FIN) enforcing the users have to enter results and can not just by pass the forced inspection.

Former Member
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Thanks for your input. I have tested after removing the authorisation object and its working.


Ravi Kumar C.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Sir,

Kindly provide steps of de-activating this object q_insp_fin



Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear Sir,

kindly provide the steps for de-activating the object Q_INSP_FIN



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yes as Mr.Shyamal mentioned, you can get through User status and in MIC slect the Required Characteristic radio button on control indicators,

If you set this indicator, the inspection characteristic must be inspected.

This means that you can only make a usage decision for the inspection lot after you have confirmed inspection results for this inspection characteristic.

-pl check
