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SAP .Net connector 2.0: The "SAP" node isn't in the sever explore

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I installed SAP .net connector 2.0.

When I try to finish the demo project : Code project: "Using the SAP.NET Connector to Connect your .NET Applications to SAP", I cannot find "SAP" node in my vs2003's service explore, even after I refresh the "Data Connections".

Sorry for I cannot post the picture.

I removed and repaired the SAP .net Connector 2.0, but the node still disappear.

Fortunately, I created a web application and can access SAP server through SAP login Form.

What I want to do is to access SAP server and invoke one function then get desired data to present in the web page.

But because I cannot process the drag & drop operation through Server explore, I have to modify SAPProxy.cs code.

For instance:

Pass one "IN" parameter "Airline_no", and "Out" parameter "Data" to reture a data records. the function name is "Z_RFC_READTAB"


public SAPProxy1(System.ComponentModel.IContainer container) : base(container) {}

[RfcMethod(AbapName = "Z_RFC_READTAB")]


RequestNamespace = "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions",

RequestElementName = "Z_RFC_READTAB",

ResponseNamespace = "urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions",

ResponseElementName = "Z_RFC_READTAB.Response")]

public void Z_RFC_READTAB (

[RfcParameter(AbapName = "ARILINE_NO",RfcType=RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_CHAR, Optional = true, Direction = RFCINOUT.IN, Length = 3)]

[XmlElement("ARILINE_NO", IsNullable=false)]

string Ariline_no,

[RfcParameter(AbapName = "IN_SPFLI",RfcType=RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_ITAB, Optional = false, Direction = RFCINOUT.INOUT)]

[XmlArray("IN_SPFLI", IsNullable=false)]

[XmlArrayItem("TAB512", IsNullable=false)]

ref TAB512Table Data



object[]results = null;

results = this.SAPInvoke("Z_RFC_READTAB",new object[] {

Ariline_no,Data });

Data = (TAB512Table) results[0];




and also create the corresponding class "TAB512Table" and "TAB512" by hand.


public class TAB512Table : SAPTable


public static Type GetElementType()


return (typeof(TAB512));


public override object CreateNewRow()


return new TAB512();


public TAB512 this[int index]




return ((TAB512)(List[index]));




List[index] = value;



public int Add(TAB512 value)


return List.Add(value);


public void Insert(int index, TAB512 value)


List.Insert(index, value);


public int IndexOf(TAB512 value)


return List.IndexOf(value);


public bool Contains(TAB512 value)


return List.Contains(value);


public void Remove(TAB512 value)




public void CopyTo(TAB512[] array, int index)


List.CopyTo(array, index);




[RfcStructure(AbapName ="TAB512" , Length = 512)]

public class TAB512 : SAPStructure


[RfcField(AbapName = "CONNID", RfcType = RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_CHAR, Length = 512, Offset = 0)]


public string INSPFLICONNID











private string _INSPFLICONNID;

[RfcField(AbapName = "COUNTRYFR", RfcType = RFCTYPE.RFCTYPE_CHAR, Length = 512, Offset = 0)]













private string _INSPFLICOUNTRYFR;


Unfortunately, what I get is the whole data records but only one column.

For example: I need data like the following:

CityFrom CountryFR AIRPFROM


HK Canada CCC

but current i get the data like

CityFrom CountryFR AIRPFROM


HK Canada...CCC HK.Canada.CCC HK.Canada.CCC

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Thank you very much! The first problem is solved.

I alway click the "refresh" button of "Servers" and forget to click "refresh" button of "Server Explore"

Former Member
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Did I help you ? If yes dont forget to rank my answer...

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

I guess that is because the class that i created by hand (TAB512, TAB512Table) have some problems. However I don't know how to figure out it.

So my question is:

1. How to let the SAP node appear in the server explore of VS2003 ( I also install VS 2005 and SAP Logon )

2. How to create the SAPStructure file by hand.

Thanks in advance!

Former Member
0 Kudos

After your first installation of the SAP .net connector, open the server explorer windows and click on refresh button. Normally it does work