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UDO Form: Search functionality

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts

I have a problem with FIND functionality in the form based on UDO (only MASTER_DATA);

- [image1|];

- [image2|];

UDO O01_CONTR have these columns in FIND list:

- Code;

- Name;



I also noticed that after activation of the search by pressing "Find" (menuuid = "1281") form in the video is cleared, however, the fields remain dirty (see in the statusbar).

What can be the problem ?

Thanks in advance

Sierdna S.


MASTER_DATA table sql scheme:

	[Code] [nvarchar](8) NOT NULL,       -- find column
	[Name] [nvarchar](100)  NULL,       -- find column
	[DocEntry] [int] NOT NULL,
	[Canceled] [char](1)  NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_@O01_CONTRATTI_Canceled]  DEFAULT ('N'),
	[Object] [nvarchar](20)  NULL,
	[LogInst] [int] NULL,
	[UserSign] [int] NULL,
	[Transfered] [char](1) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_@O01_CONTRATTI_Transfered]  DEFAULT ('N'),
	[CreateDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[CreateTime] [smallint] NULL,
	[UpdateDate] [datetime] NULL,
	[UpdateTime] [smallint] NULL,
	[DataSource] [char](1)  NULL,
	[U_CODPREM] [int] NULL,       -- find column
	[U_DESPREM] [nvarchar](150)  NULL,       -- find column
	[U_CLIRIF] [nvarchar](15)  NULL,
	[U_CLILIQ] [nvarchar](15)  NULL,
	[U_NOTA] [nvarchar](250)  NULL,
	[U_TIPOPREM] [char](1)  NULL,
	[U_TIPOSCAG] [char](1)  NULL,
	[U_CALCPREM] [char](1) NULL,
	[U_PERMATU] [nvarchar](2) NULL,
	[U_DATAINI] [datetime] NULL,
	[U_DATAFIN] [datetime] NULL,
	[U_PERLIQ] [char](1) NULL,
	[U_METFATT] [nvarchar](2)  NULL,
	[U_STATPREM] [char](1) NULL,
	[U_UNIMQTA] [nvarchar](8)  NULL,
	[U_MODPAG] [nvarchar](15)  NULL,
	[U_NRGG] [int] NULL,
	[U_SCOOMA] [char](1) NULL,
	[Code] ASC
	[DocEntry] ASC
	[Code] ASC

XML code of form

    <action type="add">
      <form FormType="O01_CONTR" title="Contratti" 
	    type="4" BorderStyle="0" uid="TO_CHANGE" ObjectType="O01_CONTR" 
	    visible="1" default_button="1"
            pane="1" color="0" left="200" top="100" width="780" height="370" 
	    client_width="780" client_height="370"
            AutoManaged="1" SupportedModes="-1" mode="0">
          <action type="add">
	       <!-- (GESTITO SOLO QO) BusinessObject = q_O01_CONTRATTI | 
	          ChildMostName = O01_CONTRATTI -->
           <datasource tablename="@O01_CONTRATTI"/>
	    <!-- Number of DO in QO  -->
         <action type="add">

          <!-- Folders/Tabs for details -->
          <datasource uid="FolderDS" type="1" size="9" />
          <datasource uid="FolderDS" type="9" size="10" />

         <!-- Folder 1 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
          <!-- DONAME = OCRD | Nome = CardName --> 
          <!-- FIELD: Nome = CardName | HasLabel = 0 | 
		Caption = R Card Name | Size = 150 | SizeOnForm = 15 -->
          <datasource uid="uRCardName" type="9" size="150"/>

		  <!-- DONAME = OCRD | Nome = CardName --> 
          <!-- FIELD: Nome = CardName | HasLabel = 0 | 
	       Caption = Cliente Liquidazione | Size = 150 | SizeOnForm = 15 -->
          <datasource uid="uLCardName" type="9" size="150"/>

		  <!-- DONAME = OPYM | -->
          <!-- FIELD: Nome = Descrizione U_ModPag  -->
          <datasource uid="uPayName" type="9" size="100"/>

         <!-- Folder 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
          <datasource uid="uTipoCond" type="9" size="1"/>
          <datasource uid="uDummy1" type="9" size="1"/>

         <datatable uid="dt00">
           <Query>SELECT ItemCode, ItemName FROM OITM</Query>

<!-- FORM ITEMS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- FORM ITEMS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- FORM ITEMS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

        <items><!-- var 44 = tab_order (inizio da 0) --><!-- var 55 = pick number (inizio da 0) -->
          <action type="add">

          <!-- =========================================================================== -->
          <!-- FOLDERS  ================================================================== -->
          <!-- =========================================================================== -->
		  <!-- Folder : Generale -->
            <item uid="FLD1" type="99" tab_order="5" 
		  left="5" width="100" top="5" height="19" visible="1" enabled="1" 
		  from_pane="0" to_pane="0" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		  description="Generale" linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" 
		  text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
              <specific caption="Generale" AffectsFormMode="0" val_on="1" val_off="N">
                <databind databound="1" table="" alias="FolderDS" />
		  <!-- Folder : Dettagli -->
            <item uid="FLD2" type="99" tab_order="5" 
		  left="105" width="100" top="5" height="19" visible="1" enabled="1" 
		  from_pane="0" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		  description="Dettagli" linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" 
		  text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
              <specific caption="Dettagli" AffectsFormMode="0" val_on="2" val_off="N">
                <databind databound="1" table="" alias="FolderDS" />

          <!-- =========================================================================== -->
          <!-- RECTANGLES ================================================================ -->
          <!-- =========================================================================== -->
          <!-- RECT1: Generale da form size width="980" height="300" -->
            <item uid="rect1" type="100" tab_order="0" 
		  left="5" width="760" top="24" height="250" 
		  visible="1" enabled="1" 
		  from_pane="1" to_pane="1" 
		  disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" linkto="" 
		  forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
              <specific />

          <!-- RECT2: Dettagli da form size width="980" height="300" -->
            <item uid="rect2" type="100" tab_order="0" 
		  left="5" width="960" top="24" height="250" 
		  visible="1" enabled="1" 
		  from_pane="2" to_pane="2" 
		  disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" linkto="" 
		  forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
              <specific />

          <!-- =========================================================================== -->
          <!-- FIELDS & LABELS =========================================================== -->
          <!-- =========================================================================== -->

	<!-- Items on folder 1 : GENERALE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
	<!-- Items on folder 1 : GENERALE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
	<!-- Items on folder 1 : GENERALE +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

            <!-- CAPTION: Tipo Premio ============= -->
            <item uid="lUTIPOPREM" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="150" top="97" height="14" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
		  linkto="eUTIPOPREM" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
                   <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Tipo Premio" />

          <!-- FIELD: Code | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 0 | Caption = Code --><!-- tab_order 10 -->
	      <item uid="eCode" type="16" left="600" tab_order="0" width="100" top="20" height="14" 
		    visible="0" enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		    description="Code" linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" 
		    font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="1">
           <AutoManagedAttribute />
           <specific TabOrder="10"  >
           <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="Code" />
          <!-- FIELD: Name | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 0 | Caption = Name --><!-- tab_order 20 -->
	      <item uid="eName" type="16" left="105" tab_order="0" width="0" top="0" height="0" visible="0" 
		    enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="Name" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
              <specific TabOrder="20"  >
              <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="Name" />
	      <!-- FIELD: DocEntry | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 0 | Caption = DocEntry --><!-- tab_order 30 -->
	      <item uid="eDocEntry" type="16" left="105" tab_order="0" width="0" top="0" height="0" 
		    visible="0" enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="0"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="DocEntry" />
	      <!-- FIELD: U_CODPREM | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Codice Premio --><!-- tab_order 40 -->
	      <item uid="eUCODPREM" type="16" left="161" tab_order="10" width="100" top="30" height="14" 
		    visible="1" enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		    description="Codice Premio" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="10"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_CODPREM" />
            <!-- CAPTION: Codice Premio ============= -->
            <item uid="lUCODPREM" type="8" left="10" tab_order="0" width="150" top="30" height="14" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
		  linkto="eUCODPREM" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" 
		  supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="1">
              <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Codice Premio" />
	      <!-- FIELD: U_DESPREM | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 0 | Caption = Descrizione Premio --><!-- tab_order 50 -->
	      <item uid="eUDESPREM" type="16" left="263" tab_order="20" width="480" top="30" height="14" visible="1" 
		    enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="Descrizione Premio" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="20"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_DESPREM" />
	      <!-- FIELD: U_CLIRIF | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Codice Riferimento --><!-- tab_order 60 -->
	      <item uid="eUCLIRIF" type="16" tab_order="30" 
		    left="160" width="100" top="55" height="14" visible="1" 
		    enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="Codice Riferimento" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="30" ChooseFromListUID="1" ChooseFromListAlias="CardCode" >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_CLIRIF" />
            <!-- CAPTION: Codice Riferimento ============= -->
            <item uid="lUCLIRIF" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="120" top="55" height="14" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
		  linkto="eUCLIRIF" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" 
		  supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="0">
			<AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Codice Riferimento" />
            <!-- BUTTON CFL: --><!-- tab_order 70 --><!-- pick number 1 -->
            <item uid="bCFL1" type="4" left="262" top="55" width="15" height="15" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" tab_order="40" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		  description="Seleziona" linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" 
		  font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="1">
		  <Attribute id="1" description="editable" modeAdd="1" />
		 <specific image="CHOOSE_ICON" ChooseFromListUID="2" />
            <!-- Arrow Link to BP -->
            <item uid="arr1" type="116" tab_order="45" 
		  left="142" width="12" top="55" height="11" visible="1" enabled="1" 
		  from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="Coll.a Business Partner" 
		  linkto="eUCLIRIF" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" 
		  supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="2">
                <Attribute id="arr1" description="editable" modeView="1" />
              <specific linkedObject="2" LinkedObjectType="2" />
	      <!-- FIELD: RCardName | Childmost = 0 | HasLabel = 0 | Caption = R Card Name --><!-- tab_order 80 -->
	      <item uid="eRCardName" type="16" left="278" tab_order="80" width="297" top="54" height="14" visible="1" 
		    enabled="0" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="Riferimento" linkto="" 
		    forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="80"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="" alias="uRCardName" />
	      <!-- FIELD: U_CLILIQ | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Cliente Liquidazione --><!-- tab_order 90 -->
	      <item uid="eUCLILIQ" type="16" left="160" tab_order="50" width="100" top="71" height="14" visible="1" 
		    enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		    description="Cliente Liquidazione" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="50" ChooseFromListUID="3" ChooseFromListAlias="CardCode" >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_CLILIQ" />
            <!-- CAPTION: Cliente Liquidazione ============= -->
            <item uid="lUCLILIQ" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="120" top="71" height="14" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
		  forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
             <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Cliente Liquidazione" />
	         <!-- BUTTON CFL: --><!-- tab_order 100 --><!-- pick number 1 -->
             <item uid="bCFL2" type="4" left="262" top="71" width="15" height="15" visible="1" enabled="1" 
		   tab_order="60" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		   linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
                <Attribute id="2" description="editable" modeAdd="1" />
               <specific image="CHOOSE_ICON" ChooseFromListUID="4" />
            <!-- Arrow Link to BP -->
            <item uid="arr2" type="116" tab_order="65" 
		  left="142" width="12" top="71" height="11" visible="1" enabled="1" 
		  from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		  description="Coll.a Business Partner" 
		  linkto="eUCLILIQ" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" 
		  supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="2">
                <Attribute id="arr2" description="editable" modeView="1" />
              <specific linkedObject="2" LinkedObjectType="2" />
	      <!-- FIELD: LCardName | Childmost = 0 | HasLabel = 0 | Caption = Cliente Liquidazione --><!-- tab_order 110 -->
	      <item uid="eLCardName" type="16" left="278" tab_order="110" width="297" top="71" height="14" visible="1" 
		    enabled="0" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		    description="Cliente Liquidazione" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="110"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="" alias="uLCardName" />
          <!-- FIELD: U_TIPOPREM | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Tipo Premio --><!-- tab_order 130 -->
	      <item uid="eUTIPOPREM" type="113" left="160" tab_order="70" width="100" top="97" height="14" visible="1" 
		    enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="1" right_just="0" description="Tipo Premio" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="70"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_TIPOPREM" />
            <!-- CAPTION: Tipo Premio ============= -->
            <item uid="lUTIPOPREM" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="150" top="97" height="14" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
		  linkto="eUTIPOPREM" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
                   <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Tipo Premio" />
          <!-- FIELD: U_TIPOSCAG | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Tipo Scaglioni --><!-- tab_order 140 -->
          <item uid="eUTIPOSCAG" type="113" left="160" tab_order="80" width="100" top="113" height="14" visible="1" 
		enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="1" right_just="0" description="Tipo Scaglioni" 
		linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="80"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_TIPOSCAG" />
            <!-- CAPTION: Tipo Scaglioni ============= -->
            <item uid="lUTIPOSCAG" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="150" top="113" height="14" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
		  linkto="eUTIPOSCAG" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
                 <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Tipo Scaglioni" />
          <!-- FIELD: U_CALCPREM | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Calcolo Premio Su --><!-- tab_order 150 -->
	      <item uid="eUCALCPREM" type="113" left="160" tab_order="90" width="100" top="129" height="14" visible="1" 
		    enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="1" right_just="0" description="Calcolo Premio Su" 
		    linkto="" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="90"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_CALCPREM" />
            <!-- CAPTION: Calcolo Premio Su ============= -->
            <item uid="lUCALCPREM" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="150" top="129" height="14" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" linkto="eUCALCPREM" 
		  forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
                   <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Calcolo Premio Su" />
        <!-- FIELD: U_PERMATU | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Periodicita' Maturazione --><!-- tab_order 160 -->
	    <item uid="eUPERMATU" type="113" left="160" tab_order="100" 
			  width="100" top="152" height="14" visible="1" enabled="1" 
			  from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="1" right_just="0" 
			  description="Periodicita' Maturazione" linkto="" forecolor="-1" 
			  backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="100"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_PERMATU" />
                 <!-- CAPTION: Periodicita' Maturazione ============= -->
                 <item uid="lUPERMATU" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="150" top="152" height="14" visible="1" 
		       enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
		       linkto="eUPERMATU" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
                   <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Periodicita' Maturazione" />

         <!-- FIELD: U_PERLIQ | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Periodicita' Liquidazione --><!-- tab_order 190 -->
	     <item uid="eUPERLIQ" type="113" tab_order="110" 
		   left="160" width="100" top="168" height="14" visible="1" enabled="1" 
		   from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="1" right_just="0" description="Periodicita' Liquidazione" 
		   linkto="eUPERMATU" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="1">
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
               <specific TabOrder="110"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_PERLIQ" />
            <!-- CAPTION: Periodicita' Liquidazione ============= -->
            <item uid="lUPERLIQ" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="150" top="168" height="14" visible="1" enabled="1" 
		  from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" linkto="eUPERLIQ" 
		  forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
               <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Periodicita' Liquidazione" />

            <!-- FIELD: U_METFATT | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Metodo Fatturazione --><!-- tab_order 200 -->
	    <item uid="eUMETFATT" type="113" left="160" tab_order="115" width="100" top="184" height="14" visible="1" enabled="1" 
		  from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="1" right_just="0" description="Metodo Fatturazione" linkto="eUPERLIQ" forecolor="-1" 
		  backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="1">
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <specific TabOrder="115"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_METFATT" />
          <!-- CAPTION: Metodo Fatturazione ============= -->
          <item uid="lUMETFATT" type="8" left="9" tab_order="0" width="150" top="184" height="14" visible="1" enabled="1" 
	       from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" linkto="eUMETFATT" 
	       forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" 
              <AutoManagedAttribute /><specific caption="Metodo Fatturazione" />

        <!-- FIELD: U_DATAINI | Childmost = 1 | HasLabel = 1 | Caption = Data Inizio validita' --><!-- tab_order 170 -->
	    <item uid="eUDATAINI" type="16" left="441" tab_order="120" width="50" top="96" height="14" 
		  visible="1" enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" 
		  description="Data Inizio validita'" linkto="eUTIPOPREM" forecolor="-1" backcolor="-1" 
		  text_style="0" font_size="-1" supp_zeros="0" AffectsFormMode="1">
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
              <specific TabOrder="120"  >
                <databind databound="1" table="@O01_CONTRATTI" alias="U_DATAINI" />
            <!-- CAPTION: Data Inizio validita' ============= -->
            <item uid="lUDATAINI" type="8" left="291" tab_order="0" width="150" top="97" height="14" visible="1" 
		  enabled="1" from_pane="1" to_pane="1" disp_desc="0" right_just="0" description="" 
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          <!-- BUTTONS =========================================================== -->
          <!-- BUTTONS =========================================================== -->

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          <action type="group">
            <item uid="FLD1" />
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        <!-- inizio pick da 0 + 1 -->
          <action type="add">
            <!-- for cfl opened from "Find" with uid=-1 -->
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            <!-- pick number 1 -->
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	      operation="1" relationship="0" compare_fields="0" alias="CardType" compared_field_alias="" />
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	      operation="1" relationship="0" compare_fields="0" alias="CardType" compared_field_alias="" />
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	      operation="1" relationship="0" compare_fields="0" alias="CardType" compared_field_alias="" />
            <!-- pick number 4 -->
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              <condition bracket_open_num="0" bracket_close_num="0" cond_end_val="" cond_value="C" 
	      operation="1" relationship="0" compare_fields="0" alias="CardType" compared_field_alias="" />
            <!-- oWizardPaymentMethods: pick number 5 -->
            <ChooseFromList UniqueID="5" ObjectType="147" MultiSelection="0" IsSystem="1">
            <!-- oWizardPaymentMethods: pick number 6 -->
            <ChooseFromList UniqueID="6" ObjectType="147" MultiSelection="0" IsSystem="1">
        <DataBrowser BrowseBy="eCode"/> 
        <!-- <DataBrowser BrowseBy="eUCODPREM"/> -->
        <!-- <Settings Enabled="0" /> -->

Edited by: Sierdna S on Oct 20, 2008 9:17 AM

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


Set AffectsFormMode="1"

then it works fine.

Kind Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

It's not work.

I checked and I correct AffectsFormMode (a method for the fields) for all fields in form.

The mask is dirty with the data previously loaded. I do not know why.


Sierdna S.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Here is my UDO form XML, Search field: DocNum

By the way, it is generated by UDO Form Generator in B1DE.

    <action type="add">
      <form AutoManaged="0" BorderStyle="0" FormType="AMI_ORNM" ObjectType="AMI_ORNM" SupportedModes="15" appformnumber="AMI_ORNM" client_height="373" client_width="518" color="0" default_button="1" height="373" left="219" mode="0" pane="0" title="AMI_ORNM" top="95" type="0" uid="AMI_ORNM_" visible="1" width="518">
            <action type="add">
              <datasource tablename="@AMI_ORNM" />
              <datasource tablename="@AMI_RNM1" />
            <action type="add">
              <datasource size="9" type="1" uid="FolderDS" />
          <action type="add">
            <item AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" enabled="1" font_size="0" forecolor="-1" from_pane="0" linkto="" right_just="0" supp_zeros="0" tab_order="0" text_style="0" to_pane="0" visible="1" uid="1" width="65" height="20" top="320" left="5" type="4" />
            <item AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" enabled="1" font_size="0" forecolor="-1" from_pane="0" linkto="" right_just="0" supp_zeros="0" tab_order="0" text_style="0" to_pane="0" visible="1" uid="2" width="65" height="20" top="320" left="75" type="4" />
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            <item AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" enabled="1" font_size="0" forecolor="-1" from_pane="0" linkto="" right_just="0" supp_zeros="0" tab_order="0" text_style="0" to_pane="0" visible="1" uid="15" width="80" height="14" top="35" left="271" type="16">
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
                <databind alias="U_Amnt" databound="1" table="@AMI_ORNM" />
            <item AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" enabled="1" font_size="0" forecolor="-1" from_pane="0" linkto="15" right_just="0" supp_zeros="0" tab_order="0" text_style="0" to_pane="0" visible="1" uid="16" width="80" height="14" top="35" left="184" type="8">
              <specific caption="Amnt" />
            <item AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" enabled="1" font_size="0" forecolor="-1" linkto="" right_just="0" supp_zeros="0" tab_order="0" text_style="0" visible="1" uid="mtx_0" width="500" height="155" top="113" left="5" type="127" to_pane="0" from_pane="0">
              <AutoManagedAttribute />
              <specific SelectionMode="2" layout="0" titleHeight="20">
                  <action type="add">
                    <column AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" editable="1" font_size="12" forecolor="-1" right_just="0" text_style="0" visible="1" val_off="" val_on="" title="#" uid="col_f" width="20" type="16" />
                    <column AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" editable="1" font_size="12" forecolor="-1" right_just="0" text_style="0" visible="1" val_off="" val_on="" title="Name" uid="col_0" width="90" type="16">
                      <databind alias="U_Name" databound="1" table="@AMI_RNM1" />
                      <ExtendedObject />
                    <column AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" editable="1" font_size="12" forecolor="-1" right_just="0" text_style="0" visible="1" val_off="" val_on="" title="Desc" uid="col_1" width="90" type="16">
                      <databind alias="U_Desc" databound="1" table="@AMI_RNM1" />
                      <ExtendedObject />
                    <column AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" editable="1" font_size="12" forecolor="-1" right_just="0" text_style="0" visible="1" val_off="" val_on="" title="Price" uid="col_2" width="90" type="16">
                      <databind alias="U_Price" databound="1" table="@AMI_RNM1" />
                      <ExtendedObject />
                    <column AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" editable="1" font_size="12" forecolor="-1" right_just="0" text_style="0" visible="1" val_off="" val_on="" title="Qty" uid="col_3" width="90" type="16">
                      <databind alias="U_Qty" databound="1" table="@AMI_RNM1" />
                      <ExtendedObject />
                    <column AffectsFormMode="1" backcolor="-1" description="" disp_desc="0" editable="1" font_size="12" forecolor="-1" right_just="0" text_style="0" visible="1" val_off="" val_on="" title="LinTotl" uid="col_4" width="90" type="16">
                      <databind alias="U_LinTotl" databound="1" table="@AMI_RNM1" />
                      <ExtendedObject />
        <DataBrowser BrowseBy="3" />

Kind Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes, and I has used B1DE UDO Form Generator to make UDO xml file and I have replaced this part in the xml file.

    <action type="add">
      <form AutoManaged="0" BorderStyle="0" FormType="O01_CONTR" ObjectType="O01_CONTR" SupportedModes="15" 
			color="0" default_button="1" 
			left="200" top="100" width="780" height="470" client_width="780" client_height="470"
			mode="0" pane="0" title="Gestione Contratti" type="0" 
			uid="TO_CHANGE" visible="1">
      <!-- <form FormType="O01_CONTR" title="Contratti" 
			type="4" BorderStyle="0" uid="TO_CHANGE" 
			visible="1" default_button="1"
            pane="1" color="0" left="200" top="100" width="780" height="470" client_width="780" client_height="470"
            ObjectType="O01_CONTR" AutoManaged="0" SupportedModes="15" mode="0">

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yatsea Li

I'm tryed to load xml but it's not work :(.

Thank you for your time.


Sierdna S.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


The only difference I can see in your xml part is:

pane="0" type="0"

by the way,can you use the find mode in the UDO ( udo form by udo form generator) to search?

Kind Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

In the generated form I can use search functionality, but in my xml, even if modified, I can not.

About :

- type: Specifies the border type of the form. Deprecated in UI API 2004 and replaced by BorderStyle attribute.

- pane: Specifies the pane level of the form.

I'm using the pane levels because I have 2 folders in my form (see images) and has set those to:

      <form AutoManaged="1" BorderStyle="0" FormType="O01_CONTR" ObjectType="O01_CONTR" SupportedModes="15" 
			color="0" default_button="1" 
			left="200" top="100" width="780" height="470" client_width="780" client_height="470"
			mode="0" pane="1" title="Gestione Contratti"
			uid="TO_CHANGE" visible="1">

Dos'not work.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

can you try this:

just set the default pane level as 0, pane="0"

<form AutoManaged="1" BorderStyle="0" FormType="O01_CONTR" ObjectType="O01_CONTR" SupportedModes="15" 
			color="0" default_button="1" 
			left="200" top="100" width="780" height="470" client_width="780" client_height="470"
			mode="0" pane="0" title="Gestione Contratti"
			uid="TO_CHANGE" visible="1">

Kind Regards


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yatsea Li

I checked loading form (generated with B1DE) with my code and I found that searching does not work.

It means that the problem in the code.

I just make what the problem and write to you.

Thank you very much

Sierdna S.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Yatsea Li

I checked form loading (generated with B1DE) with my code and I found that searching does not work.

It means that the problem is in the code.

Now all functionality are ok.

Thank you very much.

Sierdna S.

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