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Please suggest test scenarios to work on

Former Member
0 Kudos


I am new to XI. Trying to know more.

Have worked only on the below scenarios to understand XI.


2. IDOC>XI>FileSystem

3. Right now trying out a scenario on BPM Collect pattern.

Can you please suggest me some test scenarios to try out and learn on my own. Want to get exposed more to XI.

These test scenarios can also be used by other beginners in XI. As a beginner do not understand where to start from.

Thanks and regards,


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Active Contributor
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hi Sandy,

have a look at the <b>Documents</b> section on the XI FAQ page

you'll find lots of XI scernario step-by-step weblogs

that you can try to do on your own

the link below




<a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions">XI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</a>

Former Member
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Thank you Michal.

You weblog is very informative.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Sandy,

First try to develop a few simple scenarios like,

1. file to file.

2. file to IDOC.

3. File to JDBC ( Database insertion )

4. JDBC to File ( selection from Datbase)

5. File to MAil (sending emails)

6. File to RFC

7. Http to RFC/ file.

Just try experimenting and you will learn lots while trying these scenarios. There are good weblogs available for these scenario, just try following them and they will help you a lot.

After doing this, try doing all the above scenraios using a BPM. and finally, try configuring ALERTS.

Hope this helps,

All the best,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Raju And Bhavesh,

Thanks for the scenarios. This is really helpful to me. I will start these scenarios and get back to help if required.

At moment I am not able to give you both the points. I get the following error message. I will give the points later.

Error: Rewarding the message failed.

Thanks and regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Sandy,

Try these Scenarios. These scenarios are meant for beginners.

Use Case 1 (Basic)


Get the Company details from the backend R/3.

Implement a simple synchronous call between an external web application and R/3 via XI.

HTTP client application( Code for this is available on the forum) make a synchronous call to XI.

XI makes a BAPI( BAPI_COMPANY_GETDETAILS )call to get the company details. The response from BAPI containing company details is returned to HTTP client.

HTTP>XI>R/3 (Synchronous BAPI Call)

Sample Source file


Use Case 1 (Intermediate)


1)Try the same scenario by making request from a soap client(you could use soap client like SOAPSCOPE) using soap adapter.

2) Try the same scenario by making a request from a HTTP client using BPM.

Steps in BPM


1) Receive step to receive the message with the mode "Open S/A bridge".

2) Send step to make a synchronous BAPI call to BAPI_COMPANY_GETDETAILS.

3) Send step to send the response to HTTP client with the mode "Closes S/A bridge".

Use Case 2 (Basic)


Upload the Vendor Master Records from the Legacy System into Backend R/3 System.

The data is in the Flat File format.

Use SAP XI to transform the Vendor data to SAP IDOC format and upload it to Back end R/3 System.

FILE>XI>R/3 (Asynchronous call)

Use File Adapter or HTTP Client to test your scenario. You could also use the test tool in RWB>Component Monitoring>Display>Integration Engine <XI server>>Test Tool.

Sample source file


Use Case 2 (Intermediate)

Try the same scenario using BPM with collect pattern. Collect upto 10 messages based on the zip code package them and send the Idoc Package to Backend R/3.

Hope this helps.


Sam Raju