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Calling a JS function from iterator .

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0 Kudos

Hi All,

How can i call a function written in a page fragment of a BSP application , in the iterator used in the same BSp application. I tried as follows but getting JS error:

Iterator code:

DATA: o_fr TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_find_and_replace,
       o_ip TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_inputfield,
       o_bee  TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_bee_table.
  DATA: find TYPE string.
  DATA: replace TYPE string.
  DATA: rowno TYPE string ,
        columnno TYPE string ,
        tvid TYPE string .
  CLEAR: find, replace .
find = '<input' .
replace = `< i n p u t   o n c h a n g e = " i s a d a t e ( ) " ` .

 o_fr = cl_bsp_find_and_replace=>factory( find = find
                                                        replace = replace
                                                          mode =  `FIRST_OCCURRENCE` ).

        o_ip = cl_htmlb_inputfield=>factory( id = p_cell_id type = 'date' showhelp = 'X').

        o_ip->value = m_row_ref->date.

        CREATE OBJECT o_bee.
        o_bee->add( level = 1 element = o_fr ).
        o_bee->add( level = 2 element = o_ip ).
        p_replacement_bee = o_bee.


The function isadate is written in a page fragment in the same BSP application.



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This works for me Fine.

METHOD if_htmlb_tableview_iterator~render_cell_start.
  DATA: lo_text     TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_textview,
        lo_link TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_link,
        lv_link_click TYPE string,
        lv_link  TYPE string,
        lv_dim   TYPE string,
        lv_pernr TYPE string.


  lv_link  = 'info.htm?pernr='.
  lv_dim   = 'left=300,top=220,width=620,height=200,menubar=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no'.
  row_ref = p_row_data_ref.

  CASE p_column_key.
      CREATE OBJECT lo_link.
      lo_link->id            = p_cell_id.
      lo_link->text          = get_column_value( p_column_key ).

          input  = lo_link->text
          output = lv_pernr.

      CONCATENATE `'` lv_link lv_pernr `' , '` lo_link->text `', '` lv_dim `');` INTO lv_link_click.
      lo_link->text = lv_pernr.
      lo_link->onclientclick = lv_link_click.
      p_replacement_bee      = lo_link.

      CREATE OBJECT lo_text.
      lo_text->id       = p_cell_id.
      lo_text->wrapping = 'FALSE'.
      lo_text->text     = get_column_value( p_column_key ).
      lo_text->design   =  'STANDARD'.
      p_replacement_bee = lo_text.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi All,

It might sound strange but instead of writting the JS function code in a page fragment when i wrote it in the main page ie for which i am using the iterator , it is working fine. The code is:


DATA: o_fr TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_find_and_replace,
       o_ip TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_inputfield,
       o_bee  TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_bee_table.

      IF p_edit_mode IS NOT INITIAL.

        CLEAR : find , replace .

        find = '<input' .
        replace = `<i n p u t    on C h a n g e = " i s i t T o d a y ( t h i s . v a l u e ) ; " ` . 

        o_fr = cl_bsp_find_and_replace=>factory( find = find
                                                            replace = replace
                                                            mode =  `FIRST_OCCURRENCE` ).

        o_ip = cl_htmlb_inputfield=>factory( id = p_cell_id type = 'date' showhelp = 'X' ).

        o_ip->value = m_row_ref->date.

        CREATE OBJECT o_bee.
        o_bee->add( level = 1 element = o_fr ).
        o_bee->add( level = 2 element = o_ip ).
        p_replacement_bee = o_bee.

Code in main BSP Page:

<S C R I P T   l a n g u a g e = J a v a S c r i p t > 
        f u n c t i o n   i s i t T o d a y ( v a l )  { 
        v a r   t o d a y = " < % =   s y - d a t u m   % > " ; 
        m y d t = v a l . s u b s t r i n g ( 6 ) + v a l . s u b s t r i n g ( 3 , 5 ) + v a l . s u b st r in g ( 0 , 2) ;
        v a r   m y v a l u e = t o d a y - m y d t ;
        i f   ( m y v a l u e > 0 )
        a  l e r t ( ' D a t e   o f   r e q u i r e m e n t   m u s t   b  e   i n   f u t u r e ' ) ; 
        < / S C R I P T >

Thanks all for the help,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Anub,

here is a code fragment that works for me.

        l_str                 TYPE string,
        bee_html              TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_bee_html.

        l_str = m_page->to_string( value = m_row_ref->req_qty num_decimals = 0 ).
        CREATE OBJECT bee_html.
          html1 = `< i n p u t   t y p e = " t e x t " i d = "`
          html2 = p_cell_id
          html3 = `" c l a s s  =  "urEdf2TxtEnbl urV" value="`
          html4 = l_str
          html5 = `" ` ).
        str = m_row_ref->req_qty.
          html1 = `o n c h a n g e  ="chgqty('`
          html2 = m_row_ref->material
          html3 = `',`
          html4 = l_str
          html5 = `,this)">`
        p_replacement_bee = bee_html.


Graham Robbo

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Graham,

You mean to say that it is not possible to call a function written in a page fragment in same BSP application. The JS Function code has to be written in the iteratot itself?

Thanks ,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

No that's not what I mean at all. I just showed you a piece of code that will do what you want. I am just using the html bee instead of the table bee.

In my example the javascript function is called "chgqty".


Graham Robbo

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


has someone done it using BSP Find and Replace?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Graham,

What is M_PAGE in

l_str = m_page->to_string( value = m_row_ref->req_qty num_decimals = 0 ).

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

i think m_page is controller/page object, which Graham mentioned in his sample code.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Anub,

from memory I think M_PAGE is an instantiation of class CL_BSP_PAGE. This class has a useful method called TO_STRING that formats pretty much any ABAP data element to a string variable so it can be output nicely.

In this example it takes a numeric field (REQ_QTY) that has several decimal places and renders it into a string with 0 decimal places.


Graham Robbo

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Graham,

Added code:

DATA: m_page                TYPE ref to cl_bsp_page .
create object m_page.

But getting error:

method"TO_STRING"is unknown or protected or private.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Graham,


DATA: o_ip TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_inputfield.

      IF p_edit_mode IS NOT INITIAL.

        bee_html              TYPE REF TO cl_bsp_bee_html.

o_ip = cl_htmlb_inputfield=>factory( id = p_cell_id type = 'date' showhelp = 'X' ).

        o_ip->value = m_row_ref->date.
          html1 = `<i n p u t   t y p e = " T e x t "   i d = " `
          html2 = p_cell_id
          html3 = `" c l a s s = " u r E d f 2 T x t E n b l   u r V "   v a l u e = " ` 
          html4 = m_row_ref->date
          html5 = `" ` ).
          html1 = `o n c h a n g e = " j a v a s c r i p t : i s i t T o d a y ( ) ; " > ` 
        p_replacement_bee = bee_html.


Function isitToday is written in a page fragment in same BSP application.

In view sourec i get the HTML code as:

<scrapt languaga="teat/Javascrapt">

f u n c t i o n   i s i t T o d a y (  )   {

a l e r t ( ' i n   f u n c t i o n ' ) ;

</ s c r i p t > 
< i n p u t   t y p e = " T e x t "   i d = " m a t e r i a l _ 1 _ 6 "   c l a s s = " u r E d f 2 T x t E n b l   u r V "   v a l u e = " "   o n c h a n g e = " j a v a s c r i p t : i s i t T o d a y ( ) ;" >

Still it shows JS Error "Object Expected" when the value of the cell is changed and no popup comes as written in function.

Also it is not showing the F4 help as Calendar , as i have specified in the Factory method of inputfield.

