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Auotmatic UDT,UDF,UDO Creation For Add-ons

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we created some add-ons, while installing in client Machine always we are creating UDT,UDF and UDO manually.. but we must create automatically like Noraml SAP - Addons. which is the best way to do this.. only through coding or any other tool is available? we have to implement this scenario earlier..

Thanks in Adavnce,

Ganesh k

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Former Member
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Hi Ganesh

Close the thread if problem is solved.


Sierdna S.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Sierdna,

Thanks For your reply.. i already created window based application For Add/Remove UDT,UDF,UDO. but i have to do automatic meta data operation (UDT,UDF,UDO) while installing my add-on itselt.

i created separate module(UI application) with all my UDT,UDF,UDO its working fine.

Thanks and Regards

Ganesh k

Former Member
0 Kudos


If you about UDT, UDF, UDI creation...

1) Create windows form what permit you to connect to SAP database, Company.


For connecting to Company Database you need the folowing info:

A) For server connection:

- Server Type (combobox): SQL2k, SQK2K5, ...

- Server Name (combobox): (local), ... retrive servers list using button "Database Servers";

- Server authentication type: trusted (checkbox) or UserName (teextbox) & Password (password textbox);

B) For SAP Company connection:

- Company Name (combobox): retrive with button "Refresh Companyes";

- SAP Company User Name (textbox);

- SAP Company User Password (password textbox);

C) User Defined Tables (Objects) List: a listview with tables list, little dexscription, table type (NO_OBJECT, MASTER_DATA,...).

Of couse log all application actions.

Use this examples of SAP SDK:

- SDK_Samples_2005UDO with AddColumn example;

- SDK_Samples_2005COM UI DIVB.NETUIDIBasicApp withCreateUserTables example to connect to SAP Company.

2) See these threads:


- [Secondary Index|;;

- [User defined Valid values in SBO|;;

- [Failed To register UDO|;.

Hope these notes can help you


Sierdna S.


Some examples

A) for adding servers to combobox "Server Name":

Private Sub btnSqlServerList_Click( _
  ByVal sender As System.Object, _
  ByVal e As System.EventArgs _
) Handles btnSqlServerList.Click

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim oNames As SQLDMO.NameList
    Dim oSQLApp As SQLDMO.Application
	oSQLApp = New SQLDMO.Application
	oNames = oSQLApp.ListAvailableSQLServers()
	For i = 1 To oNames.Count
	Next i
    Catch ex As Exception
	Dim s As String = ex.Message
    End Try
End Sub

B) Check schema:

b = AddUDTs() ' Add UDT
If b Then ' If Ok, then add UDF
    b = AddUDFs() 
    If b Then ' If Ok, then add indexes
	b = AddUDIs()
	If b Then ' If Ok, then add UDOs
	    b = AddUDOs()
	End If
    End If
End If

Edited by: Sierdna S on Oct 1, 2008 9:13 AM

Former Member
0 Kudos

Doing all this creation of UDT UDF and UDO by code is the best. As soon as ur application starts after the main method u can write different functions for the tables and UDOs creation.

Vasu Natari.