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Problem with notification of absence Demo worflow -SWXF

0 Kudos


I have a problem using the SAP notification of absence demo workflow.

IN SAp documentation, several steps are mandatory before you one can use this test demonstration workflow :

- setting up organizatio plan

- performing task specific custoi

- adminsitration of Shared Office Settings.

I have done all these steps. When I use the SWXF transaction, it starts the Workflow as required ( I have an item in the workflow folder of my business Workplace).

After Five minutes, I see the message telling me that the notification of absence hasn't been accepted by one of the superior.

Before these 2 points, if I use the superior account, there is nothing in corresponding Business Workplace. I suppose there must be a form asking to accept or reject the notification of absence.

So, I suppose that the customizing of organization plan isn't really good. Sound logic because I know nothing about RH transaactions and I have done like a noob.

Next is what I see in PPOME transaction, can you telle me what is wrong ?

Structural Unit

..|-Position A (With red chief Icon)

......|-Job (The one linked to 30000016 task)

......|- User (the chief i suppose)

..|-Poste B

......|- User (Me)

What is wrong in this organization ?

Thanks for help,



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Your Org. structure seems to be fine. ONly thing is if the agent that you are specifying to approve / reject is not existing, then as a WF Admin, if you have set up your user id, then you may be receiving this as a failure of witem delivery to that agent(may be not part of possible agents or user not existing etc.,).

But, the msg that you are receiving may be as an Admin. Please check and verify if you are maintained as WF Admin. If yes, pl check the wflow log also for details of any errors.

I assume that your event trace is fine(SWEL) without any errors and the wflow started correctly only.

Hope this helps


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