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Selection not possible via Nav Attr

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In my InfoCube, I have turn ON the Nav Attr 0Plant, which is an attribute of the Material Master. Activated the InfoCube.

Now, in RSA1, I right-click this InfoCube and click on Display Data.

I selected this Nav Attr and InfoObject Material Master.

I entered Plant 1500 in Nav Attr field and click Execute. Funny thing is I donu2019t get any result.

If I enter the Material Master 1000058948, and click Execute, I see the Material Number and Plant 1500 on the screen.

Why I canu2019t use the Nav Attr plant to select the data? Is this bug?

Any idea?

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Former Member
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good info

Former Member
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after you added the nav attr and activated the cube, did you also do a attribute change run?


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No, I didn't perform the Change Run.

I have narrow down the problem to this InfoObject Material Master Data.

In RSA1, I right-click and click Display Data on this Material Master Data InfoObject.

Again, I selected field Material Number and its attribute Plant.

I entered Material Number, and execute it. I got the result on the screen (both Material Number and Plant).

I entered the Plant, and execute it. I donu2019t get anything u2013 no data found.

Why? I have re-activated this InfoObject Master Data but still canu2019t search the record using Plant.

Thie Plant = 1500 is the new record I have just loaded into this Master Data.

When I try to search the record using other Plant (example 1600, 1700), I can found the record and display it on the screen!!!

What is wrong? How should I go goes forward?

I need help urgently, please advice.

Former Member
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seems like data is corrupted? I am planning to drop-and-reload the master data record. How can I do that?

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It looks you have only activated the master data. As Siggi said have you executed the attribute change run. If not execute that.

I hope its a full update. So you can just load the master data again -> activate -> execute attribute change run.

Note : For deleting the master data , goto the context menu of the master data and choose delete master data. But it might have been used in many places.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Ok, I have loaded the same master data record again.

I run the Change Run.

The record is udpated.

Still the same!!! I can't select the record by using the Plant 1500. I can select the record using other Plant i.e. 1600, 1700

which I didn't update. What is wrong?

Please help...

This is what have been changed earlier.

I have Company Code field in my extractor ZMaterial_Attr. This field is mapped to 0Plant in the Transfer Rule, then this field mapped to 0Plant in the Update Rule of the Material Master InfoObject.

Data loaded into this InfoObject and used in InfoCube etc a month agon. Now we realised that it is mapped with the wrong field (Company Code).

I have changed the extractor to include Plant field. Replicated and activated this DataSource in BW. Transferred and mapped the Plant field to 0Plant in Transfer Rule.

I loaded the new Material Master record and I can see that the Plant is picked up and loaded into Material Master. I performed Change Run and the A version is overwritten by the M version. The Plant is updated into this Material Master.

Now, when I display this material master, I can see the correct Plant value. However, when I try to select this Plant in the material master InfoObject, it say no data found!!!

Why? Please help...