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Problems installing Enhanced CTS (CTS+) on PI 7.1 System

0 Kudos

Hi there,

we've recently finished upgrading our XI-Systems to PI 7.1.

Now I want to install CTS+ functions and I am using this How-To-Guide:

I followed every step in this Guide, but still in our Integration Repository/Directory there's no possibility to select CTS-transport.

Did anyone successfully implement CTS+ on a PI 7.1 system and maybe got some tips for me regarding settings that are not mentioned in the guide?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos

Hi Mario,

I guess that you are using 7.1 on SP 6 as mentioned in the guide. For lower support packages only the so called loose coupling with CTS+ will be


The behaviour you observed reduces the possible root causes of the problem to an issue with the configuration

of the AII-Properties as described in chapter 5.2 (or to a bug - something I don't hope).

For other root causes the CTS+ transport would at least be offered as described in chapter 7.1 of the guide.

So my recommendation would be to check those properties again followed by a restart of the client.

Please check also if the CTS+ export function is offered for neither the export via menu Tools/Export/Mode CTS+ (chapter 7.1)

nor by changelists (chapter 7.2).



0 Kudos

I double-checked my settings again. I even deleted the entries you mentioned, added them again and restarted the system - no effect.

And yes, it won't work for Repository/Design objects AND for changelists...

0 Kudos

Hi Mario,

strange. Some minutes ago I checked the feature on a new SP6 system and succeeded.

The most important property is and

after this the CTS mode had been available within the export wizard (which I started by using

the menu tools/export...). But I also saw that the mode had not been offered unless I selected

a software component version in the first page of the wizard. Can you check this?

To check if your version supports CTS at all you can check the transport search in tools/find transport/advanced.

Here you should find the expression CTS-Transport in the pull-down menu of the transport mode.

I would assume that this works fine in your case.

As far as I know in very old versions there had been a bug that the CTS-mode had only be displayed

when CMS had also been activated. But I do assume that this bug had either not been shipped at all or

been fixed a long time ago. Can you say anything about your Repository version or do you plan

to install a newer version?



0 Kudos

Hi Frank,

the parameter = true is set correctly, I checked that yesterday. But the CTS-option is still not offered by the wizard, even when I select a software component first.

In the advanced transport tools I do find the CTS-transport option though, as you said.

What do you mean by Respository version? Is that any different from the PI version? That is 7.10 SP06. We just finished our upgrade (at least in the DEV and QAS stages) and I don't think there is any newer version available right now or is there?

0 Kudos

Hi Mario,

>What do you mean by Respository version? Is that any different from the PI version? That is 7.10 SP06.

Sorry, yes, as the Integration Builder Repository is part of PI that version of the Repository is usually the same

as the version of PI. I was wondering about the patches.

>We just finished our upgrade (at least in the DEV and QAS stages) and I don't think there is any newer version available right now or is there?

There is no newer version then SP 6 but there are patches for SP 6 which are necessary in order to get CTS up and

running. The patches are listed in chapter 4.1 of the guide.

Here especially the note 1003674 is essential. This note contains among others fixes the fixes you need.

Please check also the other notes mentioned in chapter 4.1 of the guide.

After applying the notes the CTS support should be displayed in the PI tools.

Good luck!



0 Kudos

Alright. Since I went through the guide following every single step, I did check the required versions mentioned in Sapnote 1003674 and I implemented the note itself via the SNOTE-transaction. I also imported the transport attached to Sapnote 1180143, so this shouldn't be the cause of my problem.

0 Kudos

Hi Mario,

ok, so you should be on the safe side. In this case I can only think of a Webstart caching problem.

In order to exclude this as root cause I would recommend to do two things:

  • There is a Webstart cache on each client PC. Please delete this cache in your client PC by opening the Java Webstart application delete the folder

with the temporary data there.

  • There is also a cache on the server for those jars which are used to provide the data for the client caches. This

server cache directory can be cleaned up within the admin page http://<server>:<port>/webdynpro/dispatcher/

--> Java Webstart Admin.

There you find an different buttons. One for the regeneration of the jars with creation of new signatures. Do not use this

as in this case you would loose the signatures provided by SAP. The other button is for the regeneration of the jars without loosing the

signatures provided by SAP. Choose this button in order to clean up the server cache.

If you do both and start the PI client (Repository or Directory) afterwards the first time then the

a new download of the client jars is executed during the startup of the client. Now you should be able to see the CTS support.

Again good luck!


0 Kudos

Hi, Frank!

Thanks a lot for you suggestions so far, but this didn't help either.

I'm not sure about the local temp-files you mentioned (where can I delete them?), but I asked a co-worker to open Integration Repository on his workstation and he doesn't get CTS functions, too.

I did have the system regenerate the jars as you suggested, but this didn't change anything.

I'm starting to believe I did something basically all wrong but I can't think of anything...



0 Kudos


>I'm not sure about the local temp-files you mentioned (where can I delete them?), but I asked a co-worker to open Integration Repository

>on his workstation and he doesn't get CTS functions, too.

If he didn't download the client once before then this test is as good as deleting the local cache.

>I'm starting to believe I did something basically all wrong but I can't think of anything...

Yes, looks like this. I would vote either for a problem with the setting of the property or still a wrong version of the PI software (Java SDAs).

To get more infos about the first you could download the JNLP-file (http://<server>:<port>/dir/start/index.jsp --> Enterprise Services Builder -->

Context Menu: Save Target As) to a local folder an open it with a text editor. If your configuration is correct then you should find a section

<property name="" value="true"/> within the file.

In order to get more infos about the software version you can look up the software information in http://<server>:<port>/webdynpro/dispatcher/

Here you find an entry called last change and other values. Those would be interesting.



0 Kudos

Hi Frank,

my co-worker did work with Integration Repository before, so maybe my test wasn't so good after all. But I can't read anything about temp-files in the JNLP-file.

Maybe you can tell me something, I uploaded the JNLP:

The Software Info from the AdminApp is the following:

Make-Release NW07_06_REL

SPS-Nummer 06

JDK-Version jdk15

Letzte Änderung 28499

Uhrzeit der Synchronisation 2008/07/23 16:07:54

Build-Uhrzeit 2008-07-23 16:22



0 Kudos

Hi Mario,

the patch level of your ESR seems to be at least patch 5 - so this should be fine.

But your JNLP file does not contain the properties

<property name="" value="true"/>

<property name="" value="true"/>

This means that the properties for CTS activation are not passed from the server to the client.

As the JNLP file is independent from the WebStart client cache we do not have to care about the client cache anymore - at least for the moment.

The question is why the JNLP file is not up to date. I assume that you are not working with a local copy of this file, do you?

So please go to the Admin Page http://<server>:<port>/webdynpro/dispatcher/

and select Property Administration/AIIProperties there. You should find the properties and in this overview.

If not then those properties have to be checked in the Exchange Profile again.



0 Kudos

Hi Frank,

I'm not working with a local copy of the file, I wouldn't even know how to do that

The two CTS-properties do appear in the "AllProperties"-View (btw: there's actually four of them, two each for directory and repository), so what can I do to get them passed on to the client?



0 Kudos

Hi Mario,

there is also a property called

This property specifies which properties should be transported from server to client.

Please check if the String*,*

is part of the value of this

property. So finally the value should be similar to*,*,*,*, <........>,*,*



0 Kudos

Hi Frank,

that was exactly my problem! I added the strings for Directory and Repository - that did the trick!

Now I'm going to start testing. Thanks a lot for all your efforts!



0 Kudos


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

I was facing the same problem, I solved it with the help of this thread.

But today, I've experienced the same issue that CTS was not showing up in the list.

The problem was that some months ago I've downloaded the JNLP file to launch the ESR, because I've modified it (enlarge heap space).

And each time I've used that it gave me only the possibility to transport via CMS and not CTS.

The reason for that is that the parameters for CMS/CTS are specified in the JNLP file!

When I launch ESR from http://<host>:<port>/dir/start/index.jsp, everything's ok.

So maybe this will help you if you run into the same error!

0 Kudos

Okay, now I'm experiencing the next problem. When I try to export any object from Integration Builder (I tried the directory) I can open the CTS+ Browser and administrate my transport requests, but I can't select the request from the export window.

The error I get is "Cannot get default request (for applType: XI, user: xxx, sid: EXI, SC: 00000000000000000000000000000000), ("

Edit: In order for me to be able to award points to anyone who can help me, I opened a new thread for this:

Edited by: Mario Marschall on Oct 7, 2008 12:50 PM

0 Kudos

Come on, guys.

There must be somebody who got this to work!?

Right now I'd just be glad to know whether enhanced CTS is working on PI 7.1 or not. If so, I'd be motivated to continue trying. Now I'm quite sure I did everything right, but it won't work - that's kind of frustrating, I can tell you!
